A Cry For Help

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Once in the city, I sought out the police department.  Once I found it, I busted through the lobby doors and collapsed. Several officer's rushed to my aid and as they lifted me up, I mumbled a weak "help" and fell into a heap of whimpers.

I could only imagine what they were thinking. Here I barged in wearing a thin, cheap cotton dress that was filthy from my trek through the desert and tattered from the many thorns that snag it. My skin was just as dirty and scratches adorned my face, arm's and legs. My hair looked as if I went through a wind storm and my bare feet housed minor cuts and caked with dirt.

"Miss, miss". The officer's called. "Talk to us. Tell us what happened".

"Thirsty, I'm so thirsty". I managed to say from my crack, parch lips.

Hefting me up they assisted me to a small room in the back that contained a table along with a few chairs. Once I was seated, a paper cup of water was placed in my hands. I gulped it down against there warnings to drink slow. Driplets trailed down my chin leaving a clear path amongst my dirt covered skin. I'd been awake over twenty-four hours now, been put through a mentally challenging ordeal in that bastards basement, faced his cruel finance, haven't had a parcel of food since five pm yesterday evening and worked my way through the desert. It was all catching up to me and I felt disoriented.

Refilling my water, a officer asked me once again. "Miss can you tell us what's happened to you?"

Staring into space, I gritted out between my teeth. "Severo Marettia".

Some left the room, some seemed transfixed on me. "He kidnapped me from my home over a month ago. He should be locked away and the key tossed".

The remainder of the officer's left, save for one. "He's vile and needs to be stopped. He has this basement where he kills and tortures people".

The lone officer rose and encouraged me to sip  my water. "Maim, I'm going to retrieve the paperwork so a report can be filed".

Nodding my head,I watched as he left. I laid my head upon the cool metal table and was gone within seconds. I don't know how long I slept, but I was woken by the hushed tone of men voices. Raising my dreary head from my folded arm's I rubbed the sleep from my eye's. Training my focus toward the direction of the voices, my blood froze in my veins as my heart leapt from my chest. Standing in the doorway was none other than Severo.

Noticing that I had stirred, he gave me a bright smile and crooned. "Hello sunshine. I've been looking for you".

Shaking my head in disbelief I mummered "no. No. This is him. This is the man I was telling you about."

The policeman gave Severo a lopsided grin and I came to the conclusion that the officer's must work for him as well. I was safe nowhere. Backing away from the table I pleaded with the officer. "Help me. You must help me".

"Enough nonsense Avery". Severo warned. "Now come, let's go".

I knew I couldn't leave with him, go back to his prison. A sudden fight came over me. I had to do something to try and flee. Scanning the room for any object to cause harm, I only came up with a pen. Swiping it up, I wielded it in the air much like a knife.

"Don't come near me or I swear I'll do it". I tried to sound threatening.

Severo exchanged a amusing glance with the officer. Quicker than the wind, he had me spun around with my chest pressed firmly into the wall. Adding a stinging pressure to my wrist, my hand opened involuntarily and the pen clattered to the floor. Turning me back to face him, he wore a grin. "Let's go home now sunshine".

"That is not my home". I snarled and as if my hand had a mind of it's own, it struck out and connected with his cheek. The sound registered throughout the room. I tinge of fear wormed its way into my mind but I brushed it off. This was a do or die situation and I had to fight for survival. For I knew if I went back to his Hacinda it was over for me. Deciding to take a stance, I propelled my body onto his. Much like a cat looks attacking something, except I was more kitten like. I pummeled my tiny fists onto in body surface I could connect with. His larger hands was trying to pry me from him, but I wouldn't give in. With every hit I delivered a foul word left my mouth. At one point I believe I was creating my own vocabulary.

Eventually the cop stepped in and helped pull me off. Severo's hair was all mussed up and his immaculate suit showed disruption. With the help of the officer, they carried me out a back door and stuffed me into a waiting car. Of course I was still fighting and as Severo slid into the back seat beside me, I placed my feet into his side and tried to prevent him from getting in by using my legs forcefully.

Jerking me by the ankles, he flipped me onto my stomach and delivered a rather hard smack to my deriair. "Such vulgar behavior sunshine". He said in almost what sounded like a teasing demeanour.

Whelping from the blow on my tender backside, I scrambled up into a  sitting position and hissed. "Do not place your hands on me in such a manner".

He turned to glare at me finally fed up at my antics. My chest heaved from anger and the fight I've put up. I even think I felt my nostrils flare from rage. This was all new to me. Never in my life had I been so enraged and wanted to hurt someone so bad. I pierced my eye's into his and watched as the hardness seemed to vanish, melt away and be replaced with somewhat of a smolder. For a instant I saw the man I recused but I didn't let that fool me. Placing my hands on my hips, I scrunched my face up at him menacingly, trying to ward him off. His gaze never faltered though, and he seemed to be struggling to not smile. The corners of his lips twitched trying to conceal his smirk. "Your rather cute when your angry".

I was taken back by his remark and threw off course. I assumed it was my imagination but it seemed as if he had moved in toward me. Just as I confirmed that indeed he had it was too late. Stealthy as a jet, he swarmed down on me pressing his lips firmly to mine. I twisted my head from side to side trying to break the connection, but he placed his hands on either side of my face to steady me. His tounge was demanding entrance inside but I clamped my lips shut refusing him.

"Open up to me Avery". He murmured  deeply against my lips.

Opening my mouth to demand him to remove his lips from mine was a mistake. As soon as my mouth parted his tounge invaded the depths of my mouth. Swirling his tounge against mine, devouring me from the inside. Severo pressed me further into the seats so he could deepen the kiss.

Naturally I was trying to shove him off in the beginning but I'd never been kissed so thoroughly. Jerry couldn't compete with this. This was a slice of heaven, a brownie sundae, a kiss by a true, real man. Confused at my reaction to him I realized I'd had started kissing him back somewhere along the line. My fingers were entwined in his hair holding him closer and a pleasurable moan slipped from deep in my throat.

His kiss changed up and softened yet still held power over me. Moments later he pulled away and sat up as did I. Taking the back of my hand, I swiped his wetness from my lips and snarled. "Never do that again".

He just laughed and said. "You liked it".

Remaining silent I knew that was true and I was furious at myself for the heat that was simmering in my center. He's crazy, a criminal. He's nearly killed you. What are you thinking idiot? I berated myself.

Once at his home, I was taken to a different living area on the fourth floor. He instructed me that it was his private quarter's and I would be spending my time there now in a guest room. Confused at this turnabout I thought better than to question it. The room was very elegant, nothing like the one I was given upon arrival. Very spacious and decorated for a queen. His voice interrupted my admiration. "Take a bath and rest. I'll have food sent up and later we will have a discussion".

No further explanation was given other than his back retreating out the door. Moment's later, I decided to take a dip in the marble tub and relax my sore bones. When I was done, I entered the room where a tray of delectables was waiting for me. My mind was all over the place as a knock  echoed on my door. A maid entered and laid a beautiful dress on the bed. "Mr. Marietta insists you wear this and be ready by six sharp".

As she left, I took a few more bites of food and stretched out on the bed. My mind racing over these new events and the only answer was that he was playing some sort of mind  game on me before he struck out again. Eventually sleep took over and I was thankful.

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