The Meeting

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The time had come for me to fly out to New York in hope's of sealing this deal and making a new business alliance.

Was I nervous... fuck yea.

I've heard stories of how the Harper's operate but I also know if they choose to do business with you they are loyal to the bone until crossed. However I wasn't walking into this meeting blindly. I brought along Tallon as well as a team of men. Some would enter this meeting with me while the other half waited near by incognito in case a altercation arises.

I chose to leave two day's prior to the meeting just to scope thing's out and do alittle homework on the Harper's and the meeting location. If it's one thing I've learned about this business is to trust no one. For all I knew I was waking in to a ambush.

Leaving Avery behind was a task. I assured her as much as myself that everything would be fine and I'd return in no time. I spent extra time with her and Aden before my departure and allowed her to ride with me to the airport. Naturally I left my home heavily guarded in my absence. We spoke several times a day and I called her right before my meeting. Sounds crazy, but hearing her voice calmed my nerves.

As my car pulled up in front of HV enterprises I stared up at the magnificent building. Giving Tallon and my men a nod we exited the car's. We were greeted at the lobby doors by several men dressed in black.

"Name and reason for being here". The man in the center said in a mono tone voice.

"Severo Mareitti. I've a meeting with Demarco Harper". I stated soundly.

The man spoke into his earpiece then nodded toward me. "Right this way sir ".

We followed him off to the side and down a short hall. We was led into a small room that had a stainless steel table in the center and several filing cabinets lined the wall. "This is the clearance room". The man informed us.

"You will be searched and any weapons will be locked in here securely until your departure. If you refuse to be searched I will kindly escort you back out the door".

Taking a deep breath I eyed Tallon. I needed this meeting badly but at the same time if I gave up our weapons we would be totally vulnerable. Praying that God was on my side, I gave them permission to search us. Within seconds my men and I were frisked, had metal detectors scanned up and down our bodies and was asked to remove our shoes. They looked inside our mouths, ruffled through our hair until this became unpleasant.

Finally they concluded the search and locked our weapons away. We were given a few moment's to organize ourselves then led back down the hall.  I felt as if I was back in prison. Tallon gave me a harsh glance for having been subjected to this and I knew I owed him. Grinning I mumbled for his ears only. "At least they didn't do a cavity search".

Tallon's face paled at that thought. "You my friend would have been on your own. I promise I would have quit you had they even mentioned that".

I stifled my laugh and put my business face back on. We were filed into a elevator and rode up several floors. When we stepped off we was in a busy office setting like you would see at any company. A older lady stood behind a lavish oak receptionist desk and above her head in bold gold lettering was a Valor Resort's.

I knew of that hotel and had actually stayed there on a few occasions. I couldn't help but wonder what this hotel chain had to do with the Harper's. I scanned the large space and spotted a massive office with a blonde lady standing in the door. She was impeccably dressed and absolutely stunning. I even noticed my men captured by her presence. Seconds later another blonde female joined her and they could have passed for sister's. Both mumbled Something and shared a laugh. The laugh seemed to enchant my men and I heard a few horny groans. Suddenly a tall, well built Italian man blocked our view as he stood in front of the women. He sent us a glare that promised a slow death and ushered the women inside of the office and slammed the door.

Our thoughts were interrupted by a hard yet amused male's voice. "Hello gentlemen".

Our head's turned toward the voice to find two equally tall men. One covered in tattoos and the other with blazing green eye's. "Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Demarco Harper and this is Cole Butoni". The one with tats said still amused as he continued.

"Let me go ahead and warn you. Those two women are my mother and sister".

Cole interuped him by adding a bit threatening. "And my wife".

Demarco shot him a smirk and went on. "Those women are full of trouble and the man that ushered them away can be the meanest morherfucker you ever cross. Take my advice and never look at them again. Now I'll show you to the conference room and we shall begin".

Fuck, we've already started off on the wrong foot I thought. As we filed into the ritzy conference room I spoke. "Let me introduce myself formally. I'm Severo Mareitti and this is Tallon and a few of my men".

Demarco gave me a equally strong handshake. We all took our seats and the door opened again revealing a lovely dark haired beauty. She approached Demarco. "Here's the paperwork you needed Dem."

"Thanks Ari". He spoke softer then looked at us. "This is Miss Butoni, my personal secretary. If there's anything you need let her know."

Ari gave us a wink and ruffled Cole's hair before she left.

Demarco turned his attention to us. "I understand your interested in one of my buildings to open up your own casino?"

"Yes I am". I agreed.

Demarco got straight to the point. "I'm willing to sale for four million but here's the catch. Since this is my territory I want sixty percent of the earnings".

The fuck he say I thought and quickly retorted back. "Not a chance. I'm willing to go forty five percent and no more. If I give you sixty percent I want stay open long".

The bastard grinned. "Yes I know. Then I'll have my building back along with a hefty sum".

I could feel my blood rise and began to gather my thing's. "I can see this meeting was a waste of my time. We will be going now".

As I stood and made my way to the door I heard him call out. "Fifty percent and no less."

I turned back around and said. "Knock a million off the price for the renovations I'm sure I'll need to do and you have yourself a deal. Also I want it written in the contract that after the sale you have no right's to the building other than the fifty percent".

A smart ass smile creased his face. "I can do that but let me warn you Severo I'm not one to screw over".

"Neither am I". I warned.

He nodded and it seemed as if a moment of respect passed between us.  "I'll have the paperwork drew up and we will meet tomorrow to finalize this".

Shaking hands I left feeling accomplished.

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