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I do! I do! I do!

You only have to say one thing davina, say it right.

I do... I do... I...

I kept repeting the words in my mind so I won't forget them.

When my father told me 6 months ago that I have to marry this guy I didn't think the day would come this fast, i'm not even ready.
What's his name again? Fuck!

I looked around at my mom's sad face and perfect outfit standing next to my father, he looked so young in his suit that I know he's way too uncomfortable in.

What if I fake faint? I could run out of this as soon as they leave me alone, or at least postpone the damn thing!

I shake the though out of  my head looking at the two guys standing in the front door of the curch that I know have guns in them.

My dad would never let me get out of here.

I looked at my future husband standing next to me, looking way too handsome for my own good. When my father introduce us last night I couldn't believe it. He was tall with brown hair and green eyes, those green eyes scared me the first few seconds until he started this convesation with my father about bussines, he visible relaxed and started laughting showing his perfect smail leaving me breathless.

How am I going to marry him? He's like a god, I look like a fucking potato!!

The way he was looking at me told me something was wrong.
I looked around to my mom that was looking at me as if I just killed someone and my father was ready to spank me rigth there. I looked at the priest in front of me and he looked at me as if waiting for something.

-"I... do?"- The words came out more as a question than an affirmation but it didn't bother none of the presents so I just gave them my best "sorry" smile. That would do. I looked at my father and he looked satisfied.

Good. You're doing this for your family davina, remember.

After a few more words, rituals, rings and bullshit the priest said the final words and done. Married.

Oh God help me.


-"No puedes negar que el tipo esta buenisimo ( you can't deny that he's hot)"- My little sister said while looking across the room to my husband, the word even sounded weird in my head.

- "De echo, ese es el problema (well that's the problem)"- I said looking at the same direction, he was talking to the blond guy that came with him, he was there in our meeting las night but of course I was way too concentrated in my future husband than in his friend, he was probably his body guard or something, but he was too small to be one, maybe he was actually a friend, or maybe people in england doesn't care about the bodyguards height. Definitely here in colombia we do.

-"Porque? (Why?)"- she asked making me look at her.

-"Ay valerie ni yo se! (ugh Valerie I don't even know)"-I snapped, turning to look at him again, he had a wine glass in his rigth hand and his left one in his pocket, he was looking around as if he was planning an attact and had to memorize every detail.

-"Harry es un nombre raro, yo te imaginaba casada con una roberto, o un pablo, que tal un pedro...( Harry it's a weird name, I always thought you would marry a roberto or a pablo or what about a pedro)"- she said laughing way too much making me lose my patience.

- "Ojala y cuando mi papà te consiga marido te toque uno bueno. Pidele a Dios que no te salga loco o agresivo ni nada de eso, y no pienses que te vas a salvar culicagada, ahora porque tienes 19 pero deja que llegues a los 21. Y deja de estar mirandolo que se va a dar cuenta y que pena ( I wish that when my father finds you a husband finds you a good one, and ask to god that he's not crazy or violent , and stop thinking you're gonna get it your way little girl you're only 19 now but as soon as you are 21 you're done. and stop looking at him, he's gonna notice..)"-  she looked at me shocked for a minute but then started laughing and looked at me with pity eyes.

-"Yo se, calmate, estas amargada y que estres, disfruta de la fiesta mientras dure, quien sabe lo que te toque cuando esten solos...( I know, calm down, you're stressing me out, enjoy the party while it lasts, who knows what's waiting for you when you two are alone)"- she said looking at me as if she knew what was next.

-"Deberias haber visto tu cara en la iglesia ( you should've have seen your face back at the church)"- I looked to my side to find my older sister taking qla sit on the chair next to me - "I... do?" - she said, moking my stupidity and laughing as if there was no tomorrow.

- "Igual que tu cara cuando te casaste tu, yo... saima karut te tomo a ti... a ti... a ti... a ti... ( just like your face at your wedding, me... saima karut take you... you... you... you..."- I mocked her as well, remembering her uncomfortable experience in her own wedding, I don't blame her, but at least I didn't say the wrong name.

-"remix"- valerie said, making all of us laugh out loud.

I looked at my two brothers dancing in the dance floor. They would never have to go through this.

If I knew my day would come so fast, I wouldn't make fun of saima. Now I know how it feels. And I understand that my father just wanted the best for us but this wasn't the case and there's nothing I could do about it. If I want my family safe I have to do it.

But basically I was sitting there looking at my husband from across the room, in a party I wasn't enjoying and couldn't feel worse.

-"Princesa (princess)"- I heard my father's voice over the music and looked in the direction it came from to find him standind next to me, he gave me his hand to take, a sweet gesture I took and he lead me to the dance floor. I didn't expect for a dance with my husband and I was glad it didn't happen, it would be awkward, but a dance with my father was more than welcome.

-"Im sorry for this"- He said after a few seconds dancing, I had my face in his neck and he had his chin in my head.

-"it's ok"

-"Be a good wife"

-"I know"- I said rolling my eyes.

-"Don't do anything crazy"- He said in the middle of a chuckle. -"You know what I mean by that"

-"I know"- I said knowing too well what he meant. None of us talked in a while.

-"Your mother hates me"- He said, finally.

-"No she doesn't"

-"Two douther out of three"- He said with a sigh. I fight a few tears, threatening to fall from my eyes while we kept dancing.

-"It's not your fault."

-"It is, I choose this life"- I looked at him to find guilt in his face and I felt my heart break a little. -"I'm going to miss you, and thank you"

-"Me too"- I said, losing my battle against my tears -"But you know, family stays together, and family dies together"

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