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-"Come home with me"- I whispered to his ear once more. -"please"

I couldn't help but to cry seeing him like that, so weak, so in pain. It hurt me that I couldn't take his pain away. I just hugged him to me even more and caressed his sweety skin, he was trembling in my arms, sobbing like a little kid.

I tried to make him get in the car but every time I tried to move he panicked and I had to hug him again and stay there for more. But I wanted to take him out of there, a few others explosion resound in the neighborhood and the chaos was increasing, everyone was just trying to leave and the screams were getting worse.

-"Please"- I tried again. He nodded this time.

Slowly I move from behind him and knelt in front of him, I gave him my hand to take and he did, looking at me with a emotion that I couldn't discern. I stood up and made him come with me and walk the few metter that we had moved away from the car.

I opened the car door from him and he got in. He was somewhere else in his mind, there was no emotion in his eyes they seemed empty. I wanted to cry even more just seeing him like that but I had to be strong for him so I choke the tears away and got into the driver seat of the car.

The whole drive none of us said a word. He just looked out the window and sobbed now and then and I concentrated on the road.

My poor baby. He didn't deserved it, it wasn't his foult, he didn't knew what was going to happen, it wasn't his fault that some greedy psychopath obsessed with him and my father. It was just not his fault. And I didn't know how to make him understand that, how to make him believe that.

I could see the fear in his eyes, how he thought in all of the people that he had to protect, including me. But if something happened to me it wouldn't be his fault either, I was involved in this even before he appeared in my life, even before our love was a thing.

I parked in front of the house and waited for him to do or say something but he didn't moved a muscle, not even blinked.

-"Baby"- I said softly and he reacted a bit turning to look at me. -"Are you ok?"- I asked trying to make him at least say something. He shook his head and muttered a "no" Well at least he was being honest.

I sighed and stepped out of the car and then went to his side to help him out. I had to guide him trough the house, he literally was somewhere else and that broke my heart.

-"Want to take a shower?"- I asked him when we were in our room, again he shook his head and started to walk to bed. -"then just take off that my love"

He stoped before climbing on the bed and started to take everything off but his boxers and then sat on the bed looking at nothing. I stood there waiting for him to do something but he did not move a finger even.

I didn't know what to do so I just let him be.

My face hurt. I hurt like shit, and I knew it would bruise soon. I walked to the bathroom and took my clothes off as well, they were all dirty with dust for so much struggling with him on the damn streets.

What I saw on the mirror filled my eyes with tears. I couldn't let him see it or he would get worse and then i wouldn't be able to bring him back.
On our struggling, me trying to calm him down, he trying to run away, he pulled his hands away from mines and one of them ended up colliding with my face.

Just a better description for "he slapped me, but it wasn't his intention" couse I knew it wasn't his fault. I hoped it wasn't his fault. I just wanted it to end.

I inspected the zone in my face and it was just red for now, it hurt but there was no wound or anything and it wasn't swollen, not yet. I hoped it didn't get any worse and I didn't have to cover it.

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