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How the fuck did she start the car with no keys?

I was angry at first. She left and took my car with no fucking keys, like a thief. But then worry started to take over, she didn't know London, and no one knows her, she could be in danger at any moment. So I started to call her. But she didn't answer any of my calls.

-"Joshua"- I called out. His tin frame appeared from up stairs walking to me with his usual calmness. Almost annoyed by me.

-"Calm down Harry. You're stressing me and that's a lot to say"- He said going down the stairs, step by step, taking his time.

-"I need coffee"- I said running my hand thru my hair. -"Can you please make me some?"


-"A lot"


-"What do you mean no"

-"If she's not here for you to calm down guess who's the one dealing with your anger?"- He said placing his hands on my shoulders.-"She's going to come back just stay calm, I don't think anything it's going to happen to her"

-"You think I give a single fuck about her? My car!!"

-"Oh boy"- He muttered. He scoffed and started to walk away, probably laughing at me. -"You have like 5 more of those, you might not be worried for the reasons a normal husband would be but you're worried for her, not your car. After all, no wife, no business"

-"If she calls her father I'm dead you know, and we can't risk this"- I said sitting on the couch and putting my elbows on my knees as my finger made their way through my hair

-"I don't think so, if she calls her dad she's dead too, and she knows it, she's smart"-He screamed from the kitchen. The calmness in his voice gave me hope, Maybe I could fix this a better way. I can't just fuck this up, I agreed to this for a reason and that reason it's still alive.

-"I just..."- I rested my back on the couch once again, trying to relax. -"I need that coffee, plea- wait" I stood up suddenly making his eyes wide in surprise.

-"What?"- He asked, packing thru the kitchen door to look at me. 

-"Why didn't you tell her that I never have lunch at home?"- I asked looking at him.

-"Oh well she never asked"- He answered with a smirk on his face making a gesture with his hands.

-"You just want to see me fucked up, don't you? You hate me!!"

-"You're like my son I don't hate you, I just want to give you a lesson that will help you later on in life"- he said struggling to keep a straight face.-"Also, she was excited about it and she passed you a message so-"

-"Send a message"- I corrected with a smile, knowing he will say it however he wanted anyway. 

-"Same thing"- he screamed from the kitchen.

I sat on the couch again resting my back on it, with my hands by my side. I stayed there for a while thinking about how did I get myself into this. But I'm in this already so now I can't fuck up. I have to find her and lock her up if it's necessary, she can't just toss everything I've done to be where I am into the trash. I've come so far and still, I have to marry a stranger to protect myself and my people, all I've done isn't enough?

The ring of my phone took me out of my thoughts. I took it out of my pocket and answered without even looking at it.


-"Hi man, I'm waiting for you where are you?"- My hopes faded away as Liam's voice came through the line.

Fuck I forgot.

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