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Davina ○

-"What are you doing?" - I asked, watching him unbutton his shirt. All the sensations that woke up with that kiss wreaked havoc inside of me. 

Why can't I just be one of those girls that have sex with anyone anywhere, like "Hi, how are you? Let's have sex! Yay!" My life would be way easier and I'll be enjoying it right now. But no! I'm just in the middle of his room standing there like an idiot.

-"I'm just getting ready to sleep, I'm tired and I gotta work tomorrow"- He said taking off his shirt and tossing it to the closet, showing me his toned back and his tattoos, that until that moment I had not seen before, a few in his back, a few in his arms and chest. How does he even get hotter?
-"And to be honest I didn't sleep well last night, I need my bed"- He continued as he walked to the bed to take the sweatpants that he placed there a few minutes ago.

-"So you're sleeping with me?"

-"Yes" - The moment he started to take off his pants, I felt hot, like almost sweating, all that time trying to find some hot air and all I had to do was watch this man take off his clothes. Still, I turned to look away.

-"But like..."- I swallowed heavily-"sleep sleep ooor..." I cleared my throat -"just sleep"

-"I don't know"- He said, sounding confused. I heard him walk towards me standing just inches away from me making me look up at him. His sweatpants were now on and his bare chest in front of me. -"What do you wanna do?"

Oh god! What do I want to do?

-"Well..."- I cleared my throat again, taking a few steps away from him. What I want to do, and what I should do not match at all. Like a battle between my body and my mind. But as always my mind won. -"I think just sleep"

-"Ok"- was all he said, disinterestedly walking to the bed and tossing out a few pillows to the floor.

-"Are you going to sleep like that or?"- he asked pointing to me.

-"Like how?"

-"Those clothes, isn't it uncomfortable?"

I looked down at my jeans and sweater. Even tho they were comfortable, it wouldn't be what I would wear to sleep, I would probably sleep in my underwear but... not tonight.

I looked for some comfy clothes, got changed in the closet, and then made my way to the bed. Also showing the few tattoos on my legs and back.

-"I like your tattoos"- He said as soon as I was ready in bed.

-"I like yours too"-  I answered in a whisper. And with that none of us said another word until we fell asleep.


The next day when I woke up he wasn't there. I walked downstairs to find Joshua with my breakfast ready, he told me that Harry left already for work and that I would have to hang out by myself all day.

By the time they both were home, the house was, like my mom would say, like a cup of tea. Every single corner clean af. The three of us had dinner and then went to sleep.

The rest of the week went like that, Harry at work and me at home, the lifestyle that I never wanted and desperately wanted to change. Most of the time I was alone or with Joshua, Who I grew to know more through our long conversations while cleaning the house or cooking, or doing laundry.

He was funny and very wise, I could spend hours talking to him about anything and everything and not get bored. He tried to teach me how to "deal with Harry" even tho he then said the technique didn't work very well. He told me about how his family got to England, his childhood, his relationship to Harry and his daughter. Seeing the love in his eyes while he talked about her was heartwarming, and as I could see by the way he talked about Harry, he loved him a lot as well.

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