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-"I'm still mad at you by the way"- I said.

My head rested on his chest while he brushed my hair with his fingers.

-"You're touching my hair with your clean hand right?"

-"You cleaned my fingers with your mouth don't worry"

-"Ewwwww"- I exclaimed playfully and we both laughed.

He placed his big hands on both my cheeks and brought my lips to his in a soft kiss.

-"So you're still mad huh?"


-"That means no blowjob for Harry right?"

-"I think so"

-"You're breaking my heart"

-"You can convince me tho"-I taunted him. 

-"I'll try"

He helped me get off the counter and we walked to the living room.

The embarrassment took over me when I saw the four bodyguards there. They looked at me and then at each other, all of them blushed.

If they're blushed my cheeks must be on fire.

Harry just kept walking laughing out loud filling the room with his strong laughter. I remembered I was busy doing something else and walked back to the kitchen, with my face looking down in embarrassment, but a silly grin plastered on my lips. 

-"Niall it's coming tonight"- Harry informed while we all were having lunch.

-"ok"- Joshua and I muttered at the same time.

-"With his girl and child"- He explained further. The information actually surprised me.

-"Niall's married?"- I asked, curious. 

-"Not technically, he has a girlfriend and they have a child"

-"That's cute"

-"Yeah, I just wanned you to meet her. She's nice, and you've been alone all this time, I think having someone to talk and spend time with could be good, and now you have the guys to take care of you and you can see the city and all the stuff you wanted to do, she would be good company in that"

-"What if she doesn't like me"- I voiced my concern as soon as I the thought crossed my mind. 

-"She will"- Joshua intervened in the conversation-"She likes everybody"

-"ok then, what if I don't like her"

-"You would be the worst person on earth"- Joshua said with a chuckle-"She's very nice you'll see"

When we finished our lunch Harry went to his office to finish some work and I followed him and sat on the couch near to his desk with my phone texting Lilian, telling her what happened this morning. She scolded me for, as she said, being a selfish bitch and not sucking his dick.

Typical in her.

I spent the rest of the afternoon there watching Harry do his work. His expression of concentration made him look more serious of what he usually is. But he looked sexy at the same time.

Just looking at him made me remember what happened that morning. His face, how he bit his lips, the way he touched me, the rudeness of his actions. That spank.

I never thought I would like it, but it did.

Feeling his possession over me, made me feel some kind of way, his hands all over me as if everything in me was his and he knew it, his deep kisses and his tongue... god. His finger giving me the pleasure I wanted. The way he touched me so gently in my parts but so rude in the rest of my body, so desperate.

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