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-"Don't hurt them"- I screamed at them as I walked up stairs. -"Let them leave"

Mike and daniel stood with me all the time while I trained and all that time they were nervous. It got me even madder. They could've tell me.

But at least daniel was brave enough to offer his life for the person he loved and I couldn't take that from them. He fought enough.

I walked straight to the bathroom. I needed to get rid of the blood. I hated the feel of it and the smell got me worse. That adding to the damn feel I've had the whole day since I woke up, Things moved around me. That drug must have some weird shit in it to make me feel like this the whole day. All I wanted to do was throw up, but I couldn't and that felt worse even.

I took my clothes off and stepped in the shower. I felt so tired I didn't wanted to think about what just happened, I just wanted to go to sleep again.

I heard when the door opened but I didn't minded. If it was harry or not, I wasn't going to stop with my bath. But of course it was harry.

He stepped in the shower with me, his hand going to my waist immediately as he placed a kiss to my shoulder. I wasn't ready to go back to good davina, but he pulled me back easily.

-"My brother's afraid of you"-He whispered to my ear making me giggle tiredly. -"And I think liam's as well"- He said amused.

I turned around to look at him gloriously naked in front of me. My hand went to his chest as I stood on my tiptoe to peck his lips. He placed my wet hair on my back and looked at me to the eye.

-"who was that?"- He asked playfully but somehow seriously.

-"My real one"

-"Who's this one then?" 

-"this is harry's one"- I said with a sad smile, looking up at him. He smiled as well pulling me to hug me in his arms.

-"I love both"

-"No you don't"- I told him. -"Good harry was scared of real me"- I said seriously. I could see how he looked at me, the few times I turned to look at him and he seemed frightened.

-"Good harry sometimes is scared of harry's one"- He told me making me laugh softly.

-"I'm sorry if that was too much"- I told him whispering as i looked up at him.

-"You got what we couldn't"- He said looking down at me. -"That's all that matters to me"- He assured me.

-"what are you going to do with that information?"

-"Don't know yet"- He whispered.

I looked at him moving his hair away from his face. It was growing so much and It just fitted him perfectly. I loved it, as everything I love from him.

-"I need sex"- I told him.  An attack of sincerity? -"But if you don't want to I'll understand"

-"I think I need it too"- He told me with a serious expression. -"Too much in two days... and If I'm honest joshua wouldn't even care"

-"you want to talk about him"- I really didn't know where my mind was going but he didn't seemed to care either.

-"He wanted to be cremated, He didn't believed in god or afterlife, in anything really, so he told me once that he didn't wanted all of that, not a funeral, nor a coffin and people crying, nothing"

-"funerals are not from the dead but the left ones, we need to say good bye"

-"I know... I told marcel about the cremated thing and he organized everything"

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