Fight-Bill Skarsgard

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Imagine Bill gets home and you try to help him but you guys start to argue but it ends in a fight

Bill is a actor, he kisses female's for film, but you get jealous very easily. You sit on the couch reading the headlines and it's about Bill kissing  Margot Robbie. He did it for a film, he had to kiss her for a film. But you took it to heart, you were furious at Bill for this.

You heard the door and you perk your head up, you see Bill walking in with a hickey on his neck. You walked to him and threw a magazine at his chest. He watched it fall and hit the ground, while you started yelling.


Bill kept his cool, he knew if he went off he would do some physical damage to you. Like bruise you. You slapped him and that set him off, he grabbed your wrists and you started fighting against him, he pinned you against the wall and you pushed him off you.

You slapped him again and he leaned against the counter, he was about to talk but he kept his mouth shut, he crossed his arms and he closed his eyes only to open them again. He was keeping his cool for your safety.

"I fucking hate you". You said, he grabbed you by your wrists pinning you against the wall and your legs wrapped around his waist.

"STOP! Ok, just stop. You slapping me and flying off the handle because I kissed someone for a film is ridiculous. I know you trust me, just stop slapping, I'm will walk out that door and leave the same way I let this morning. I'm tired of coming home to you yelling at me for a fucking kiss. I am not afraid to leave."

Bill said all of this with no sadness. You felt tears and you closed your eyes. "Now you know I love y/n, I just need you to trust me. Ok, I'm sorry, I'm a actor. I kiss people for films, I will never cheat on, ok. Please calm down".

He lets you go and you look up at him, you fall to your knees and you start crying. Bill was about to walk upstairs but he shook his head sideways and he walked to you and he picked you up bridal style.

Your thoughts ran wild, why would Bill stay with you? You cried at the thought of him leaving you.

Bill put you in bed and you grabbed the him of his suit. "Stay with me? You asked, he took of his suit and he put on a tang top and some pajama pants. He laid behind you but you turned over.

You stared into his eyes and you kissed him. He kissed back and you out your hand son his hips.

"I'm so sorry Bill,i shouldnt get angry over this im so sorry". He shushed you with his lips and he pulled you closer.

"It's ok, i didn't mean to go off on you. I wasn't thinking." He kissed you again and you laid your head on his chest tracing patterns in his chest.

☾ Bill SkarsgardWhere stories live. Discover now