Skype Call

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You tapped on Bill's name on your Skype. You waited for Bill's face to pop up. He was currently in Sweden, visiting his family. You wanted to go but you were sick so you didn't go.

You were looking forward to meeting his parents and his siblings but you were ill. 

Bill's face popped up on the screen. "Hi baby girl. How are you?" He asked, concerned. 

You sneezed. "Not good. My head hurts a bit". You said. He sighed. "Go get BC powder baby and take it." He said. 

You whined. "Nooo, i don't wanna. It's nasty". You said. He gave you a stern look. "Yes. I don't want you to be hurting baby". He said. 

You huffed. "I'll get some after We finish the call. " You said. "Okay, good. How are you. Are you relaxing well? Sleeping well?" He asked. 

"Yes. im relaxing, but i can't sleep. It's hard not having you here". You whined. He poked hit lip out.  "Aw, don't be sad baby, i'll be back tomorrow. I promise.". He said. You nodded your head. 

"Okay, i miss you so much". You said. "Me to baby, it will be fine, i'll be there in the morning, cuddled up to you." He said. 

You giggled. "Mkay." You said 


You and Bill had ended the call after talking for a few more hours and you went to sleep. It was 3:30 when you went to bed. You were sound asleep. In a very deep sleep.

Bill opened the door to the house and he walked in. He closed it. He set his things down and he walked up stairs to you. 

He got to the room and he opened the door quietly. 

He awed at you. He took off his shoes and he climbed in the bed. He wrapped his arms around you and kissed your face. 

You opened your eyes and smiled. "Billy?" You asked. "Yes baby, i'm here". He said. You turned to his chest and snuggled closer to him.

"Your so warm". You said. He rubbed your back. "You want me to make you soup". He asked. You shook your head. "No. Not now". You said. 

He kissed your face and pulled you closer. "I'm gonna give you so much things when your not sick anymore". He said. You shuttered .

"Don't worry, i'll use my fingers". He teased. You pushed him slightly and he giggled. 

"I love you". He said. 

"I love you too". You said


☾ Bill SkarsgardWhere stories live. Discover now