Mr.Skarsgard will be seeing you||3

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You awoke from your slumber and you look up at the ceiling. You smelt food and you sat up. You held your head from the headache you had and you stood up. He looked at you and he looked back down.

"If your looking for the bathroom its down the hall on the left". He said quickly. felt a pang in your chest for him trying not to see you at all. You rushed down the hall going into the rest room. You closed the door and you walked to the toilet when a knock on the door broke the silence.

"Don't touch anything. Everything here is expensive". He said in a snarky tone. You scoffed

"Got it!" You said loudly. You did your business and you washed your hands when a sparkle caught your eye. 

you turned around and saw a necklace. It had a name in gravento it.

Beth. It read, your curiosity got the best of you when you touch it. The Diamond's slid across your fingers and you smiled. It was real.

Your boss knocked on the door.

"Hey hurry up, your food is done". He walked away and you walked out the bathroom. You walked to the table and stood weirdly. He walked over and pushed you down into the seat

"Stop being so awkward". He said with a rude vibe. You saw the food in front of you and you waited for a sign that you could eat. He poured a wine into 2 glasses and he gave you one and gave himself,

"Well, eat". He said, you began eating. Then your phone rang. You took it out your pocket and you answered it, It was the bill company. You hadn't paid your bill it in a month.

"Can i move it to another month please?" You pleaded. The lady told you no, and you needed to pay it or else she would cut off your water, lights and air. She hung up and you stood up frustrated and you thru your phone on the couch. 

You began crying into your hands when you felt a hand on your shoulder. It was Your boss.

"I can help". You jumped up and shook your head. "No,NO,NO". You said getting louder with each no. He smiled sadly.

"Please? Its sounds like your in serious trouble." He said, you thought about it and decided on what to say.

"Sure but this is a one time thing, i dont want this to ruin my job."You said slightly angry He smiled and walked away.

You checked the time. it was 3:30. You panicked "I gotta go home, My brother is probably so worried". You said getting up. 

"Wait, ill drive you, your car is still at the job, so ill drive". 

You smiled

To be continued....

Im so sorry for not updating my tablet that i usually update on isnt working right so i have top write on my sisters computer. I will update , i promise. Again im so sorry yall

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