t e a s e r

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You were sitting in your personal car. You had just found out some terrifying news. You were a week pregnant.

You were scared. You knew Roman was gonna leave you. He was a cheater, he could go see another girl if you told him. But you had no choice. either it was him keep mentally hurting you until you begin to show a bump or tell him now and be on your own.

You couldn't tell him though, telling him will cause a fight and fighting gets violent. You couldn't let yourself keep going trough this.

You got out of your car quickly and went to the front door. You unlocked it and walked in. Luckily Roman wasn't home, he was probably with another chick.

You ran upstairs and packed a suitcase. You threw your computer and your chargers in a separate bag. You put your personal products in the bag and your skincare and makeup products. You packed more clothes and you closed your bag and your suitcase. You ran downstairs with your bags and ran out of the house.

No note, no text message, no nothing...

im trying yall. :(

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