n u m b

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there is gonna be bts in this, cause u can't stop me


Roman continues to cheat on the reader and she's numb to it all until she leaves him. Roman then wants her back?

When you first heard him cheating. You weren't surprised. You knew Roman was a playboy. You put your self in this predicament. You knew he would cheat. But you gave him the benefit of the doubt. 

But that went down the drain when you came home one day and you heard him fucking another girl. You were sad, hurt. You wanted to go in there and beat his ass. But you loved him so much. And you were so afraid no one would ever love you as he did. 

But now it was a routine. He would go fuck some dirty hoe in your bed. Then come to you and try and love you like you didn't know.

You were n u m b. It didn't hurt anymore. You hadn't kissed Roman since the first time you heard him. But you needed to get out. Before it was too late. 


You were sleeping on the couch. Roman was upstairs asleep. You had on your baggy black hoodie and black joggers. With slides.

You sat up and you checked the time. It was 3 AM. You stood up and you opened a closet downstairs. You had a bag packed. You packed it a week ago.

You went to the bathroom and grabbed your toothbrush, your toothpaste, your acne wash, your soap, and your makeup things. 

You put the bathroom items in a black backpack and you grabbed your car keys. You weren't gonna leave a note. You didn't want Roman to find you. You were never coming back. Ever.

You tapped on the cage that your small chihuahua lived in. You saw her open her eyes, her head laying on her legs, 

You opened the cage with ease and you took her out. Luckily she never barked. You went to your car and you put your things in. You came back in with Anna, your dog in your hand. You grabbed her leash, her dog food, and her treats.

You also grabbed her chew toys. You put her in the car. You had your phone in the front with you. You called your friend Jimin. It rang once, then someone picked up. 

"Hello?" Jimin said. You broke down. "J-jimin, I n-eed you t-to meet m-me at t-that 24 h-hour s-Starbucks". You said. "Of course love. I'm on my way". Jimin said. "Ok". You said. He hung up and you turned on your car. 

You drove away from that horror home. You felt so free. Like a 400 pound was taken from you. You felt so good. 


You arrived at the Starbucks and you got out of your car. You walked in and saw Jimin with his boyfriend Yoongi. 

Jimin saw you. You ran to him and hugged him tightly. Yoongi stood up. Jimin and Yoongi were like big brothers to you. They took care of you when you first found out Roman cheated. 

They had and still have open arms when it comes to you. Jimin held you close to him and kissed your forehead. 

You both let go and hugged Yoongi.

"Why did you wanna meet up here?" Yoongi asked. You sat them down. "I...got tired of dealing with Roman's cheating." You said.

"y/n". Jimin whined. He told you to go to leave when you first found. But you were weak, you didn't wanna leave him, you felt like you wouldn't find love anymore. But not leaving Roman, was causing you to have crippling depression. 

So you left him. "You can come to our house". Jimin said, "Oh, no it's okay, I don't wanna intrude". You said. Yoongi cut you off. "We insist". He said. You nodded your head and you stood up with them.

"You remember our address right?" Yoongi asked. You nodded your head and walked out the door. You got in your car and you saw your dog asleep in the passenger seat. You smiled and started your car up. 

You drove in behind Jimin and Yoongi. 


You arrive at the house and you got out of the car with your dog. You grabbed your toiletries and your bag of clothes and you went into the house. You were met with the smell of strawberry's and apples. 

You sat on the couch and you checked your phone. 23 unread messages and 56 missed calls. You were worried he might know where you are. Anna looked up at you and whimpered. Knowing something was wrong. 

You picked her up and kissed her head. She curled up on your lap. You decided not to read the messages. Knowing he would see you saw them.

Jimin came over with hot cocoa. It was cold outside. He set it down on the coffee table in front of you. 

"Are you okay love?" Jimin asked. You shook your head no. "I'm not, I feel good that I left but I all of a sudden feel bad for leaving." You said looking at Jimin. 

"Look". Jimin said, sitting crisscross on the couch. "You did the right thing by leaving. You were damaged. You are a strong women baby. You did nothing wrong. You were trapped, he cheated on you. Multiple times!" Jimin was pissed that you were feeling bad for Roman, 

"He didn't think about you when he was fucking some bitch, so stop thinking about him when your free". Jimin said. 

You nodded your head and hugged him. Jimin rubbed your back and kisses your forehead. "We'll protect you here". Jimin said. You nodded your head and he got up to go get his phone from the kitchen. 

You got a new message from Roman. 

'Please, come home, I know what I did was wrong, but please come back'

You scoffed. Did he really try that?  You blocked his number and Yoongi came to you. "Pretty baby, You shouldn't be punishing yourself over his mistakes. He cheated not you". Yoongi said. You smiled sadly. "I know, but it's how I am. Even if it is his fault, I still feel sad. " You said. 

idk, how to end this, but one of u requested this so ye thanks

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