Mr. Skarsgard Will Be Seeing You| 7

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Micheal /\

Micheal was on the couch watching TV and eating his food and Tae was upstairs cleaning his room. He looked out his window and saw the clouds getting dark.

he checked the time. 7:30 AM It read. He was confused. Then he realized it was gonna rain. He finished cleaning his room and he walked back down stairs. 

Micheal was finished eating and now just watching TV. Tae sat down on the couch and he watched TV with Micheal. He heard rain start to pour down outside. He didn't mind it because he actually liked rain. It calmed him. 

Then the electricity went. The whole house going pitch black. Except for the slight light from the sky. Micheal began panicking. 

"T-Tae? I-im scared". Micheal said beginning to cry. Tae heard his whimpers and whines. He reached for Micheal.

"Come here Micheal, walk slow towards me". Tae said, Micheal trusted Tae and he walked to him. Micheal grabbed Tae's hand and Tae pulled him on the couch. Tae wrapped his arms around Micheal to hold him. 

"T-tae are we gonna d-die?" Micheal asked, tears running down his face onto his shirt. Tae looked at him.

"No Micheal, it's just the rain." Tae stroked his head and a crack of thunder hit. Micheal screamed and buried his face into Tae's tummy.

"Micheal? It's ok". Tae said hugging him tighter. Tae learned how to comfort people when scared because of his boyfriend

Tae began singing a song he wrote.

(Start the song)

Tae's deep but smooth voice started making Micheal dose off. Micheal relaxed his body into Tae's hold and he closed his eyes. He listened to Tae's heart beat and his voice. Tae continued singing the song and Micheal fell asleep.

Even though Micheal was asleep he continued singing. 

Your Pov

You were carrying papers to Bill for him to write when he noticed how rainy it was. He remembered how terrible things can happen during the rain so he stood up and walked out of his office. 

"Everyone please settle down".He said, everyone was either tired or cold. "Everyone, go home today. I will still add up all the hours you would normally work and add those to your pay check. Every one get your things and go home. The road's will be bad if you all went home in the evening so it would be best for everyone to go home now". 

Everyone cheered and thanked him and he went to get his bag and he got his coat. You had on a coat. You both leave the building and you both get in his car to go home. You car ended up getting toed because of the expired license plates. 

You both got in the car and he started it up. He turned on the heater and drove out of the parking lot. You you looked at Bill and you noticed his beautiful features. His plump pink lips, his green blue eyes, his slicked hair, his beautiful half tanned skin. 

You hadn't noticed you were staring hard. He looked at You staring at him and he waved his hand in front of your face.

"Am i that pretty?" He asked, You nodded your head. He blushed. You found it cute how rosy his cheeks got. 

"Let me see your hand". You asked, he took on hand off the steering wheel and he gave you his hand. 

You picked it up and you noticed the size different. His hands were huge and yours small. 

"Your hands are so big". You said, you intertwined your hands with his and you looked at the size difference. 

You only did that to hold his hand. You were honest , you were a bit terrified of thunder. 

He didn't mind holding your hand. If it helped you he didn't mind. 

You looked at his lips again. 

'they look so kissable'

you said in your mind. You thought of something. He pulled into his driveway and you smiled.

"There's something on your lip". You said, he looked at you and he made sure you could reach his lip. 

"Come closer". You said, he came face to face with you and you kissed him. His eye's widened and he was shocked at first but then he melted into the kiss. He deepened the kiss and you both pulled away.

"Was that your way of telling me you like me?" He said, "Yes  it was." You said, He smiled. "Well, i like you as well". He said, You blushed and got out the car. You gasped thinking about your brother. You ran to the door and knocked on it. 

Tae answered and shushed you. "Sh, Micheal is up stairs sleeping, he was crying earlier because the electricity went out. i comforted him, cuddled him. Made sure he was ok, and he trusted me enough to actually lay on my chest. That kid is a sweetheart."

Tae said. You smiled. You hugged Tae "Thank you, he hasn't been that really open since my parents kicked us out." You said, He hugged back.

"It's ok, i wouldn't mind doing it again". He said, You and Bill walked in and you all sat on the couch. 

Bill heard what you said about your parents and he wanted to talk about.
"Hey y/n, can we talk?" He asked


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