s i c k

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You opened your eyes , feeling the pain in your head. You looked at the clock on your bed. It read 4:30 AM. You whimpered and looked at Bill. He was sound asleep. 

You smiling but started violently coughing. You covered your mouth so you wouldn't wake Bill up. He switched sides and was facing you now. 

You got out of bed and went down stairs to your medicine cabinet. You took out the thermometer and your turned it on placing it in your mouth.

You waited a few seconds and took it out. You looked at the temperature. 102. You gasped quietly. You put the device down and you held your head. 

Your nose was feeling hot on the inside, you had a headache, your throat was hurting and the front of your face was feeling hot. 

You breathed thru your mouth, not able to breath thru your nose. You looked in the tea cabinet and saw apple cider. You took it out and took out the tea kettle. You You put water in the kettle and you pressed the button on the kettle.

You put the apple cider powder in your mug. You sneezed and all of a sudden felt light headed. You rested your head on the counter and felt tears rise. Your head began banging with pain. 

You felt your body get hotter. You heard heavy foot steps come down stairs. "Baby?" Bill called to you. You whimpered and Bill came over. He lifted you up and felt your head. 

"Aw baby, your burning up. What happened?" Bill asked. "I woke up feeling so awful. My nose his hot, i have a very bad headache, my throat hurts and the front of my face is hurting." You explained.

He held your face to his chest and rubbed your back. He let go of you and put the boiling water in the cup. 

He mixed it up and he blew it and gave it to you. You took it and sipped it carefully. He took out canned jambalaya soup. He put it in a bowel and he put the bowel in the microwave. He heated it up for 5 minutes. 

You put the half filled cup down and Bill walked to you hugging you. You whimpered quietly and he kissed your head. "It's okay baby, shh". Bill said.

5 minutes later the soup was done. He put crackers in a separate bowel and he gave the food to you. He picked up food in the spoon and fed you. 

You ate some more and Bill kissed your forehead. You didn't open your mouth for the next spoonful of food signaling you didn't wanna anymore. 

He kissed you again. "Babe, you wanna go back to bed?" He asked. You whimpered. "Baby, i can't understand whimpers". He said gently.

You looked at him. "I don't wanna sleep. I feel like im gonna pass out". You said. "Do you need to go to the hospital?" He asked. You shook your head no.

"We can watch Netflix down here if you'd like princess." He offered. You nodded your put you ed you up and sat you on the couch. He turned on the TV and put on American Horror Story.

He grabbed blankets and your soup. He put the soup on the counter and wrapped you with covers. He sat down next to you and placed you in his lap. 

You laid your head against his chest and watched TV. "You feeling okay baby?" He asked. "A little". You said .He hugged you tighter. 

Im sick rn . and this is what i wish was happening rn. But no ne gives a fuck

☾ Bill SkarsgardWhere stories live. Discover now