S c a r e d

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You held Bill's hand, it was a scary moment. He had gotten shot by some guys that hated his work and him as a person. You and him were walking down the street, about to go to the bakery to get some fresh strawberry pastries. But unfortunately, some guys came up and attacked you both.

He fought with them then you heard a loud gunshot. The men ran and dropped the gun. He collapsed on the concrete with blood flowing out of his chest. 

You screamed for help. People from inside the bakery came out and helped you. They called the cops and the ambulance. You were terrified. Your friends showed up, along with family. They rushed him to the hospital. And you and your loved ones drove quickly to the hospital. 

You felt like you were in a nightmare. Like the worse one ever. When you got there you ran into the building screaming for Bill. You saw his body on a gurney being taken to a room. You followed the bed. When you heard nurses screaming at you to stop. 

You were grabbed by your father. He held you close to him. You fought against his hold,  kicking and screaming at him.

Which leads you to now. You were holding his hand tightly. You would kiss his forehead every minute. Your rub his face. He was awake. Just in shock. 

"Baby..." He said. You looked at him. "Yes?" You said. "I-i'm not gonna make it, I-I'm sorry, i just can't take it. It hurts", He said crying now. 

You nodded your head. Tears flowing from your face. "It's okay baby. You can go, I'm not gonna keep you here if it hurts too much. I don't wanna hurt you". You said. Bill nodded his head.

"When I go, I want you to find love, get married, have children, live a good life. We will meet again baby girl, i promise". He said. You nodded your head. The heart monitor went faster. 

"I love you". He said. You kissed his lips. "I love you too Bill."  You said. The monitor went faster, then it flat lined. 

You felt tears run down your face. You kissed his forehead. "Goodbye Bill". You said. 

Hope yall enjoyed this sad shit, i did!

☾ Bill SkarsgardWhere stories live. Discover now