Terrified pt 2

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Imagine having to go in the basment to avoid Bill and its flooded from the rain and you see a head poking out of the water.

Imagine having to go in the basment to avoid Bill and its flooded from the rain and you see a head poking out of the water

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You open your eyes and you see your alone in bed. You sigh knowing Bill hates you at the moment. You swing your feet over your bed and you stand up. You smell food and you know its Bill. You see him walking to the stairs with a plate of food and you go to the basment, avoiding him.

You look out the small window and you see its thundering a raining outside. You look down the stairs and you see a flooded basment. You see a small child in the corner, a yellow rain coat. And green boots. Its Georgie, it was a fake character from it but it looks so real.

"Youll float too, youll float to! " Georgie began to say, his face becoming distorted, his skin getting frey and crusty, his eyes turning grey and his body falling into the water, asoon and his body touched the water pennywise flew up.

He looked at you with that freaky ass smile, and he started to fun full speed at you. You ran upstairs but he caught you, his hand around your ankle and you kicked him in your face. He flew in the water and you ran up stairs closing and locking the basment.

You ran into Bills chest and he stumbled back a bit. You started to shake and cry and run your hands threw your hair. Bill looked worried and he looked you straight in your eyes.

"What happened?! Why were you in the basement? !" He asked, you looked into his eyes and he hugged him. You fell down to your knees and he fell down with you. He put his back against the wall and he held you.

"Dont let it get me Bill, please Bill, I swear on my life ill tell you why ive been avoiding you. But dont let him get me!". He said loudly,

He nodded his head confused, then remembering a scene from the movie. The basment scene, he remembered he chaced Bill up the stairs, he looked down at you and put two and two together,

That's why you avoided him. You were scared of pennywise but Bill played him, so your were scared of Bill.

"Baby, listen to me," he said, you looked at him "I will never hurt you, I know that movie was scary, but dont avoid me, come to me, I know my part was scary and it made you cry. And im sorry for that, but please dont avoid me. It made me sad, alot". He said

You snuggled into his chest and he held you. You climbed on his lap and you put your hands under Bills shirt, on his warm back.

He held you close and he kissed your lips. Both of you were in tears, holding each other.

"Bill?" You said, he looked at you "Can we go lay down?" He smiled "you gotta eat first". He said.

And there you go, I love it, u love it, BE GREATFUL, WHAT DO U GUYS WANNA SEE NEXT.

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