w e m e e t a g a i n

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You and Bill were the MOST known couple in college. So many girls wanted to be you. And so many guys wanted to be Bill. But no matter how many people tried to be like you and Bill. They couldn't.

You and Bill were to perfect. Now you didn't flaunt your relationship around and tease others for not being as good. You and he just showed affection to each other. So people loved you both.

But that would end...today. 


Bill was walking to your dorm room. He was excited to see you. He wanted to tell you something really important. It was life-changing. He got to your door and he knocked multiple times. You were doing some homework. 

"It's me, Bill". He called from the other side. You smiled and got up and opened the door. He came in and sat you down. 

"I wanna tell you something and it's really exciting!" He said. He giggled at him being so excited. I got signed to an acting label and they want me to come to Los Angeles California!" He said screaming now. 

"BABY THAT'S GREAT NEWS!" You said. You hugged each other. And you celebrated a little. But your smile fell. Realizing what this meant. 

"Bill...I'm excited for you. But I just got excepted to a Broadway-type college...in NewYork". You said. He looked upset as well now. 

"Oh..." He said. both of you realizing that you HAD to break up. "It's okay! We can talk when we get free time." He said, trying to lighten the mood. 

You smiled. "I know, but I love you so much. I just don't wanna go". You said. Bill smiled sadly and rubbed your head. 

"I know, me too, but I want you to succeed in your carrier. And I know you want me to succeed as well." He said. 

"When do you leave?" He asked. Afraid of the answer. "They told me I should get on a flight to NewYork as soon as possible". You said. "They told me tomorrow". Bill said. 

"What if we go to the airport and get on our flights at the same time?" You suggested. "For our last moments together." You said. 

"Let's do that." He agreed. You both had a lot of packing to do so you both began packing your things to leave Sweden.

Even though you both were leaving tomorrow you couldn't help but cry. It felt like you were never gonna see him again. You just wanted to be with him. But destiny calls. So you didn't have a choice. 

----the next day at the airport. 

You and Bill sat at the airport. Bill had gone to Starbucks in the airport to get some food and drinks. 

You were excited for you and Bill to finally be able to achieve your dreams but you were also sulking. You did love Bill and he loved you. But you both knew that it was difficult to be dating while working.

Bill walked over with a bag of food and two regular almond milk latte's. He sat next to you and gave you your food. 

You pulled out your food. "You got me the almond croissant!" You said. "Well, it's your favorite". He said. Smiling. You bit into it and Bill ate his food. You checked the time. You had about 45 minutes until you had to board your plane. 

"Bill?" You asked. He hummed in response. "If we do drift apart can you promise me one thing?" You asked. "Of coarse baby". He said. "In the future, if we break up. When we meet again, will you remember me?" You asked.

"Yes baby, I'll never forget you". He said. You smiled. You heard on the intercom that your plane is boarding. You sighed and gave Bill a loving slightly long kiss. 

☾ Bill SkarsgardWhere stories live. Discover now