Mercs x Kidnapped!Child Reader

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So in this story you will be around 7 or 8 which ever age you want. 7 and a half for all I care. Just to keep it simple you are on RED team and the mercs take care of you. This story may get bloody so beware. Also I'm bad with accents so sorry in advance. ANYWAY I WILL STOP RAMBLING. 

ps. anything in bold will be a translation of non English words unless they are commonly known. 


"Come back here maggot!" Soldier's voice ran out from the base. You where running from him at top speed. He followed close behind until he leaped out. Tackling you to the ground he smiled. "You're it!"

You giggled at Soldier. Or Solly as you like to call him. "Solly you aren't supposed to tackle me! Just tag me with your hand!" Soldier laughed then frowned suddenly. "Oh no Y/N! Gravity is attacking me! I can't defend myself!" He laid his body on top of yours and he let out a groan. You giggled again his weight squishing you to the floor. "Solly no! Not gravity! You can do it!" 

Solly grumbled. "But I can't I'm afraid I'm to weak!" You gasped. "Only an American can survive and you are an American right?" You quoted something he said on a daily basis. Soldier looked at you. "You're right! I am an American! Thanks Y/N you saved me!" He got up and saluted you. 

You stood up straight and saluted back. He laughed and picked you up, tossing you on his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. "Solly what are you doing?" You laughed. Other mercs began to walk in. "Men I have found this sack of cuteness and I cannot handle it!" Scout walked over. 

"Don't worry Soldier I'll help ya!" Scout pulled you from him and twirled you in a circle. You laughed and cheered. Scout was always like a big brother to you and you loved him for it. He blew a raspberry on your cheek and you squealed. "Scout that tickles!" He smirked and before he got any ideas Engineer walked over. 

"Yah better put the darlin down Scout. Medic wants tuh practice one more time with her." Scout chuckled. "Fine, you got lucky kiddo." You giggled as he set you back down. 

You walked over and sat on the comfy chair in the living room. Heavy, Medic, Spy, Pyro, and Sniper where also there. The other mercs joined in eventually. 

"Alright mien Fraulein let us practice once more." You nodded smiling at Medic. Spy cleared his throat. "If approached by someone in zee battle field, what do you ask zem?" You tapped your chin. "Are you a spy? In their accent or language."

"Correct, mon petite fleur." My small flower. He smiled slightly. "Now, how would you know if it was one of us?"

"You would answer, Yes but I still love you, in your own language." Spy nodded. "Give me an example mon fille."

"If it was you then, Es-tu un espion?Are you a spy? You would say back, Oui, mais je t'aime toujours.Yes but I still love you." Spy nodded and smiled fully.  

"And if it vas me leetle Y/N?" Heavy said. You yawned. "I would ask,Вы шпион? then you would say, Да, но я все еще люблю тебя" (Ok there is not translation because it's the same thing as earlier and sorry if this is wrong I used Google XD) 

Heavy smiled and nodded. "Da, very good leetle gurl." Medic nodded. "And me fraulein?"

When he noticed you had fallen asleep Medic chuckled. "Oi can put 'er to bed Doc." Sniper said. He picked you up carefully and started walking to your room. He set you on the bed and tucked you in. 

You snuggled into the blanket and smiled in your sleep. Sniper pecked your forehead with a kiss as he then walked out. 

A loud BOOM woke you hours later. 

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now