My Family - Heavy x Child!Reader

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So in this chapter it will mention Heavy's family. I am going off what I know from the comics. So if I am wrong on something don't flip out please just tell me in the comments. Also you are around seven in this chapter but either way, Enjoy!


Living on the streets was easier that you expected. You were great at looting cash from people's pockets. Cash, keys, wallets, anything.

Today you had made fourty dollars so far. Your new target was a man in a cream vest and glasses. He was walking by himself but you had seen him slip his wallet in his pocket. Slowly you made your way up to the man. You slid your hand in the pocket and clasped the wallet. You pulled it out and took off running.

Looking back the man seemed incredibly confused. He groped his pocket for his wallet and began to freak out. You laughed but then ran into something, falling down onto your back. Maybe a fire hydrent as you had done that before.

"Leetle gurl should return wallet to Medic."

Fire hydrents can't talk. The sentance repeated itself in your brain until you had the courage to look up. A man the size of a bear was looming over you. He is hands could easily be the size of your head. He cleared his throat. "Leetle gurl." He said. "Return wallet to Medic." The man with the vest was now behind you.

You began to shake as you slowly handed the wallet to the man in the vest. He said some weird word that you did not understand but neither of them left. The big man spoke.

"Where are your parents?" You shrugged. "Does leetle gurl have parents?" You shook your head. You felt tears begin to form in your eyes as both men terrified you. You hugged your knees to your chest and burried your face in them. You shook even more.

The men looked at eachother as you began to cry, quietly. The big man knelt down in front of you. "Leetle gurl?" You looked up at him. He was holding a small gold chain his his hands. Attached to it was a locket. Inside were two pictures. One of an older woman, the other of him, and some girls.

"Dis is my family." He said. "I love my family. To see someone without one hurts Heavy." He put the locket back in his pocket. "I, Heavy, want to offer you one." He said.

You rose a brow. He held out his big hand. You took it and he helped you stand up. Gently he wiped away your tears. His hand was soft for it's size. You expected it to be rough. "Y-you want me to be in your family?" You asked. He nodded. "Why?" You said.

He sighed. "I know what it's like to not have parent... It hurts. I do not wish pain like that on another innocent child. I want you to grow up with a family." He knelt down in front of you. "You can stay a while and if you don't like it, you may leave... but if you truely do, then please stay. I will take care of a leetle girl like you."

You sniffled slightly but nodded. He smiled slightly and offered his hand. You took it and began to walk with him and the one he called Medic. Medic leaned over to Heavy and whispered. "Are jou sure about zhis?" He nodded. "I am sure."

You three got into a big van. Inside was another man. He was asleep at the drivers seat. Medic walked over and hit him on the chest. The man woke with a start. "Oy! Woot was that fer?" He asked. "Drive us zhree home." Medic said.

"Three?" He looked at Heavy and saw you holding his hand. "Medic... explain." Medic sighed. "I vill later. I vant to vhen everyone is here so I don't have to repeat myself." The man nodded. You hid behind Heavy. Heavy patted your back. "Dis is Sniper. He will not hurt you." Sniper waved slightly and stood up. You waved back, your shyness kicking in.

Sniper stood up and walked to the front of the van and got in the drivers seat. He started the van and buckled up. Medic waved to you and sat in the passengers seat. You and Heavy found places to sit in the back on a couch like seat.

You sat close to him as there was no seatbelts in the back. At one point the van went over a bump and you screeched. You clung onto his arm tightly. He looked down at you and smiled. "It is ok leetle... hm, you never gave me your name." You looked at him. "It's Y/n." You said.

"I like your name. I am Heavy as you know... but you may call me Misha if you wish." You nodded. "I like your name too, Misha. Where are you from?" He smiled. "I am from Russia but," He put a finger to his lips and whispered. "Do not tell my friend Soldier. He thinks I am American." You giggled. "I am good with secrets."

"Did you like it in Russia?" Heavy seemed to sigh. "Russia was beautiful...The people there did not like my family. We had to run many times, I left to protect them." You hugged his arm tighter. "Do you miss them?"

He nodded, Heavy's eyes looked misty. You stood up and hugged him around the neck. He hugged you back with one arm. "Heavy?" He looked at you. "Since your family isn't here, I can take care of you."

He smiled softly and you returned it. "Heavy would like that leetle Y/n." The van stopped and everyone got out. You took Heavy's hand and he led you into the base. Men looked at everyone then you. Before anyone of them got out a word, Heavy spoke;

"Dis is Y/n. I am taking care of her. If you have question... Heavy is all ears." He cracked his knuckles then took your hand. "None? Good. If you have problem, Heavy is not all ears, I will be busy ripping your spine out of your back." Some men cringed. "Good day."

Heavy walked away with you in hand. He wanted Sasha to meet the newest part of his family.

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