Respawn, Robots, and War - Red!Soldier x Blu!Medic!Reader

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Requested by - ComicBookFace

Thank you for the request! I had a lot of fun writing this one! I hope all of you enjoy this chapter (Second one today, woot woot :D ) Thank you so much for all of the support and I love reading all of your comments! Have a wonderful day or night my lovely reader!


You had met the other Soldier after a Dustbowl match. He had gotten in a fight with your teams Soldier after the match. You had broken up the fight because you knew the Admin didn't approve of violence after matches. Also because you didn't feel like dealing with another patient.

Your Soldier had left grumbling but the other one was hurt. The Soldier looked at you and adjusted his helmet. "What are you looking at?" You had crossed your arms. "What do you think I'm looking at? Idiot..." That was the day that started your strange flirting.

Currently you were competing against the other team in an intel mission. You were healing your Demoman and running up a set of stairs. You two were almost to the intel room. "We're gonna win today lassie!" Your Demoman said. You smiled in response as he burst through the doors.

The Red Soldier was there. He was sitting on the table that held the intel. "Mornin' cupcakes!" Demoman stopped running causing you to run into his back. "Aye, sorry lass." He whispered, then looked back at the red. "Doe? Oi mean, Soldier. Nice tuh see yah." Being that outside of battles the Red Soldier and Blue Demoman were friends, casual conversations were normal on the battlefield.

"I am guarding my intel. I was also waiting for you, did it go to plan?" Demoman smiled, "Yep, the Medic's right here." Demoman turned to you and smiled. "Have fun!" Next thing you really understood was that Demoman's head exploded. Some blood got on you but not a lot. You placed a hand on your hip and looked at the Soldier, you had taken to calling him Jane.

"If you wanted to chat Jane you could have asked outside of battle. The Administrator is watching us, why risk it?" He hopped off the table and walked over to you. "Why not?" You rolled your eyes. "As much as I love talking with you, I have intel to steal." He rose a brow, "Oh you mean that intel? I'm afraid you can't take that." He said. It was your turn to raise a brow, "Is that so? Who's going to stop me?"

You quickly dodged around him and ran to the table. Your hands met the intel and you pulled it close to yourself. You felt arms around your torso. Soldier had you in his arms and he laughed. "Did you really think it would be that easy?"

You struggled in his arms, "Come on Jane, as soon as I get outside I will be shot down by someone! I'm a medic carrying the intel, what could be a bigger target?" He shrugged. "A Heavy carrying the intel." You rolled your eyes, "Listen I'm sorry for this." Before he replied you stomped on his foot.

Soldier let out a yelp and let you go. You began to run with the intel and you could hear the Administrator giving off some sort of announcement. You could hear Jane behind you yelling something. You ignored him and kept going. He yelled something again but by now you had left the building.

You stopped once you got outside. Buildings were burning, rubble was everywhere, and so were bodies. Bodies of both teams. The other teams Medic was running frantically, healing everyone manually in sight. He spotted you, "Drop zhat intel und help mich!" You did as told and ran over.

You began to fix mercenaries of both teams, they grumbled and got up. "Everyone in the RED base! Go go go!" You would call to anyone standing. "Those of you who can, take others in with you!" You turned back to the other Medic, "What happened? Why is everyone down? Why aren't the mediguns working?"

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now