A Real Family - Mercs x Child!Reader

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Requested by - fluffymyers

Small trigger warning! This does deal with trashy parents. Nothing to intense but I am still giving a warning anyway.

This was an awesome prompt! I really enjoyed writing this one! I hope you my dearest darling reader will enjoy this chapter! Have a wonderful day!


The cool air poured into the room like a wave on a beach. Sudden yet so common. The yelling from down the hall never ceased as your parents continued their argument. Seven thirty in the morning and they were already yelling. Though you were used to it by now.

Your stomach growled as you laid quietly in your bed. It was a small bed, with a very light blanket on it. You were cocooned in your blanket, your feet sticking out slightly from the length of the blanket. Your thoughts were interrupted by your door opening abruptly. "You're still sleeping? Get your ass outta bed and do your chores." Your father commanded before slamming the door shut, his heavy footsteps stomping away.

You sighed before leaving your bed, the cold air sending shivers up your spine. You changed out of your pajamas into a hoodie, that was way to big for you, and a simple pair of pants. After exiting your room you made your way to the kitchen. Your mother was making some fried eggs and your father was sitting at the small circular table, his head in his hands, and sweat dripping down his forehead. He did not look at you as you walked in. "Took you long enough." He said, a rasp in his voice.

You mumbled a quick, "Sorry sir" before starting your chores. Washing dishes at the sink, setting them on the counter to dry, as you would start on the next dish. Your mother walked with the pan over to the table, dishing eggs onto the man's plate, and the rest on hers. You rose a brow, "Don't I get any mom?" You asked.

Your mother looked as if she was going to drop the pan. She took a deep breath before setting it back on the stove. "First of all, what have I said about calling me that?" She asked, frowning deeply. You turned back to the plate in your hands. "To call you ma'am instead." She nodded, "Second, what makes you so cocky that you think you get some breakfast? Make your own if your hungry." She snapped.

You remained silent as you continued your work. You could hear the woman grumbling about you to your father. "Worthless little thing, we shoulda been more cautious." She stated. It was obvious she did not care if you heard her words. Your father was the same way. "Pathetic, must have come from your side of the family." He stated.

"Oh you're going to be like that? After I just made you breakfast?" She snapped. "You call this breakfast? It's more like salmonella on a plate!" He retorted, looking up from his hands, his face flushed from anger. "Well if it's so bad, let me spice it up for you." She sneered, spitting onto the plate of eggs in front of her.

You could hear the pounding of fists on the table. "Dammit woman! Do you know how much eggs are these days? We can't afford to waste!" He roared. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize everything depends on you. I mean it's not like I have a job too!" The woman jeered, laughing during her words. She took her plate in her hands, flicking pieces of egg at the man. His face seemed to darken. "Oh wow, really mature. You're acting like a child." He stated.

"Mature you say? Would you call this mature?" She asked, before dropping the plate on the floor, watching it shatter. The sudden action caused you to yelp. You jumped, the utensil in your hand sliced along your palm. The scratch began to redden as blood started appearing. You dropped the knife back in the sink and whined.

"Dammit! What is the matter with you two?" The man roared. He grabbed you by the hood and pulled you over to him. He grabbed your wrist, looking at the deep cut on your hand. He hit you lightly over the back of the head. "Go clean yourself up runt. Then clean this mess up, this bitch isn't going to." Thus began even more arguing.

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now