Showering With A Bushman - Sniper x Reader

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Requested by - Madylen221 

Ah another showering chapter, what joyous things may await here! I hope my lovely requester enjoys this chapter and forgives me for the long wait (along with any other requesters) Have a wonderful rest of your day!



Everyone does it, it's hygienical. Everyone showers but not everyone has to do it in a room full of mercenaries. Yes you showered with all nine mercenaries, it was awkward. So awkward that Engineer decided to make specific showering schedules. He decided, along with the others, that everyone would shower with members of their group. Offense together, defense together, and the support classes together.

Since Medic showered with the Medbay shower, you showered with the supports. Spy was never in the showers when you were in. He prefered to shower earlier than anyone. Sniper on the other hand, you normally saw in the showers.

You two would talk in the showers, until you got naked. Since the shower room was a large empty with shower heads on the wall. The smaller details of the room, like the towel holders, did not prevent any kind of covering while showering.

Sniper and you were basically in a romantic relationship. You went out for lunches together, flirted, and even told each other how you two felt. You were not dating, yet, but for now you two still enjoyed each other's company. When you two showered, you took the shower across from his so that way you were back to back. You two thought this provided enough space to not see each other, be able to chat, and still shower.

Currently you were making your way to the shower room. Your hand reached for the knob when it suddenly turned and opened. Spy was in the doorway and he gave you a quick smile. "Bonjour mon ami." (Good day my friend) You smiled at Spy, "Morning Spy. Did you leave enough hot water for me?" He chuckled. "Oui, you don't 'ave to worry."

"I will zee you at breakfast, enjoy your shower." With that Spy left and you walked into the locker room. It was connected to the showers. You walked over to your locker and opened it. You grabbed your towel, opened the lockers next to you, and made a wall with your towel, just incase Sniper came in. You ditched your clothing in your locker and wrapped your towel around your body.

You closed all the lockers and left the locker room, with your soap. You went to a shower and set your stuff down. You heard someone open the door to the locker room and you made the assumption it was Sniper. You organised your soaps and heard Sniper call from the locker rooms. "Did Oi leave my soap in there sheila?"

You turned around and saw no soaps on the floor, "Nothing in here Sniper!" You called back. You heard him groan but open a locker. You turned on the water, trying to find a nice temperature then lost your towel, and saw Sniper leave the locker rooms. He had a towel around his waist.

At this point the author had to stop typing because cats decided to make the author their new bed. The author could not see with a cat on the author's face and could not type with a cat on the lap(and the author's arms). The author later regained use of the author's left hand so apologies in advance for any errors. (No author's were hurt in the making of this chapter and all the cats were pleasantly enjoying themselves on the author)

"Mornin' gorgeous." He said. You smiled at him and put your towel on the rack, Sniper looked towards his shower. "Morning beautiful." You replied and he chuckled. You felt his hands trace your shoulders. Sniper traced them down to your hips and you almost shuddered in his grasp. "The only thing that is beautiful in here is yuh."

His voice came out as a low grumble, giving you goosebumps. You felt his chest against your back and you blushed. He kissed the back of your neck and set his chin on your shoulder. He got a whiff of your hair and he smiled. "Yah smell wonderful even though yah haven't showered yet." You laughed and gave his cheek a swift kiss. "And you smell like shit, go take a shower."

He laughed and gave your neck another kiss. Sniper stood up and gave your waist a quick squeeze. You felt his presence leave and you entered your shower. You heard Sniper's shower start and he cleared his throat. You began using your body wash. "Find your soaps at all?" You asked.

He nodded, even though you couldn't see it. "No but Oi have Spy's." You rose a brow. "How did you get Spy's soaps? He locks his locker like everyone else." Sniper coughed. "The wanker left it open, besides, he has a decent taste in soaps." You chuckled, "Did you just compliment Spy?"

"Oi said a decent taste Y/n, that doesn't mean anythin'." You started to shampoo your hair. "That is a compliment in my book!" You replied, chuckling after. "D'aww piss..." You looked over at Sniper. "What's the matter?" Sniper was rubbing his left eye, "Oi got soap in my eye..." You started rinsing your hair. "Do you need help?"

He chuckled, "Oi'm sure you would love to come over here and help me." He teased, making your cheeks tint a pink. "Like you wouldn't do the same?" You asked making him chuckle again. "True, true. Oi would do anythin' for yah love."

"Love? That's a new one. I like that one too." You stated, "You do call me a lot of things." He chuckled. "Wull Oi love givin' yah nicknames." You laughed, "I can tell." You finished up your shower and shut off the water. You grabbed your towel and wrapped it around yourself. You then heard Sniper shut off his shower, he wrapped his towel around his waist.

Sniper turned to you with lust in his eyes. His eyes bore into yours and your cheeks lit up red. "What's that look for?" You asked. He smiled, innocently. "Nothin', just a look." You walked over to him and walked your fingers up his chest. "Really?" You nipped at Sniper's chin. "Because I think your waiting for something." You stated. Sniper smirked, "Waiting for what love?"

His hands met your hips as he pulled you closer to him. It didn't take long for your lips to connect. Sniper's hands massaged your hips as you ran your fingers through his hair. Sniper's lips moved in a way you had never recognized. You liked it but it still made you confused. Sniper must have noticed your confusion, somehow.

"Yah alroight love?" You blushed slightly at his tone and noticed his right eye was red from the soap. "I, uhm. Yeah it's just your kiss." He rose a brow. "Wot 'bout it?" There was something hidden in his voice. As if he didn't know how to speak. You shrugged, "It's just different. Have you been practicing on someone else?" You both laughed.

You two separated and you walked into the locker room. Sniper got dressed very quickly. He was fully dressed while you were working your pants on. He gave your shoulder a quick pat, a kiss on the cheek, and he turned towards the door. He cleared his throat, "See yah at breakfast." With those words he walked out.

You walked out shortly after, your hair still damp, and you entered the dining area. You observed all the mercenaries except for, Scout, and Spy. Probably just doing some father son bonding, you guessed. You saw Sniper and took a seat next to him. His hair was messy and he had dirt on his chin. You rose a brow.

He looked over and you and smiled. "Mornin' sheila." You greeted him but the dirt on his chin made you so confused. Before you asked he spoke up, "Oi got a late start this mornin' sorry for not being in the showers."

The words echoed in your mind. He rose a brow, "Yah alroight?" You stayed quiet, the confusion still in your mind. Then he came in, Spy. Scout followed him but Spy swiftly looked over at you. Then you saw it. The thing that made you so much more confused. Sniper had gotten soap in his right eye and his eye was pink. You looked at Sniper, his glasses were on. "You have something on your glasses." You said, a little to quickly.

Sniper took them off and rubbed them on his shirt, he turned to you. "Thanks hun." His right eye was fine. It had no pink in it.

But Spy's did.

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now