Confession III - Support

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This is the final chapter of the Confession series! I'm so so SO sorry for the long wait! Please let me know in the comments if you have any other story ideas like this! Thank you for supporting me (pun intended) and have a wonderfully magnificent day!


This is a warning for Spy's chapter, it deals with grief, and loss.

Shoutout to JustAnotherUserKiwi and BisexuwhaleSix for helping me with the Spy chapter. It's different from the prompts because it deals with such a serious issue. Please go show those lovley people some kindness!



"I don't understand meine freund!" The doctor called out. He was pacing back and forth while Heavy sat in a comfy chair in the Medbay. "Vhat do you mean doktor?" Medic ran his fingers through his hair and groaned. "I zhink I am sick!" Heavy rose a brow, "Do you have fever?"

Medic pointed a finger at Heavy, "Zhat is just it! I get zhese veird symptoms of some sort of sickness!" Heavy crossed his arms, concerned for his dear friend. "Zhere is a person Heavy, I cannot get zhem out of mein head."

Heavy continued to stare at the pacing German. "A person? Who?" Medic turned to Heavy, slight craze in his eyes. "Y/n! Y/n has burrowed into my mind like a rabbit!" He fiddled with his glasses, "I just get so confused Heavy. I don't understand. I feel so strange vhen I am near Y/n." He twiddled his thumbs, "I get so excited to see Y/n even zhough I see zhem everyday! On zhe battlefield I make it my top priority to make sure Y/n is safe."

He sighed, "I remember zhat every single time Y/n has risked zheir own life for me, I felt so safe, so important in zheir life. I just feel at home vhen I am vis Y/n..." He couldn't stop fidgeting. "I zhink I am going mad Heavy, vell madder zhen usual. My heart feels like it flutters out of my chest und my stomach feels even stranger."

"Vhen I am vis Y/n I am at my happiest. Y/n's jokes make me laugh every time, hell just talking Y/n makes me smile!" He laughed but continued his rant. "Heavy, have jou ever seen Y/n's smile? It makes me melt at zhe sight of it! I feel so varm inside und my face goes red! Maybe I am allergic to somezhing Y/n vears? Such as a cologne or ozher scent spray."

His eyes lit up and a small frown spread across his face, "Ja! Das ist es! Oh, sorry, jou don't speak German. I said, zhat's it. It has to be! I am allergic to somezhing zhat Y/n vears. Heavy I apologize, I haven't let jou speak! I have been going off about zhis und not letting jou help me. After all I did call jou in for help." He turned to Heavy and rose a brow. Heavy was smirking and seemed to be holding back his laughter. "Vhy are jou looking at me like zhat?"

Heavy allowed himself to chuckle, "Medic, you are in love." Medic's face heated up in a deep blush, "L-love? Nein zhat can't be." Heavy gave a dumbfounded look towards Medic, "Doktor do not act like a fool. Think about eet. Da 'symptoms' you think you have, are symptoms of being in love."

Heavy counted on his fingers as he started his list, "You cannot stop thinking about Y/n, emotional desire vhen you are near Y/n, Doktor you kept complimenting Y/n during our talk... shall I go on?" Medic waved a hand at him, "Nein, jou have made jour point." Medic looked almost disappointed and Heavy noticed. "Vhat bothers you Medic?" Medic sighed, "Love Heavy. If it is really true zhen how do I tell Y/n? I don't know if I can take zhat emotionally."

"To be loved by someone is somezhing I could only dream of. Y/n vould never feel zhe same about me, vhy vould Y/n? I am not exactly zhe best vis relationships." Heavy stood up and placed his hands on Medic's shoulders. "Doktor. You are loved, dis team is a family. Ve all care for each other." He laughed, "You are very oblivious, not only to your love, but to Y/n's." Medic's brows raised, "Vhat? Y/n's? Vhat are jou talking about?" Heavy laughed again, a rumble that could shake mountains.

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