Jealous Aussie - Sniper x Reader x Junkrat

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This had been a request from a long while ago. It was before I knew much about Overwatch but I hope this is too your liking! I'm sorry I cannot find the original requester but I never forgot the request. I had a lot of fun doing a crossover request so if anyone wants more, just request in the comments or message me! Enjoy! :D


No one really knew how the Overwatch people showed up. All of a sudden they were there. Something with Tracer and her Recall messed up their universe and brought them here. Many of them were talking with the mercs of your team.

Mercy was chatting with Medic. Zarya was arm wrestling with Heavy. Demoman, Roadhog, and D.Va were watching. Currently you were talking with Junkrat on the couch. He was rather interesting, he was talking to you about how he and Roadhog tried to get into Junkertown with a shit ton of gold.

"But then Roady extinguished my match! He gave me tha' look yah know? Then Oi realized what Oi did wrong! Oi forgot our escape plan!" You laughed. "How did you forget that?" He shrugged. "No idea!" He laughed.

You laughed again. You liked his laugh, it was high pitched, and funny to listen to. Your cheeks tinted a pink and he somehow noticed. "Yah alroight sheila? Yer face is goin' red." You covered your cheeks. "It is?" He nodded. "Oi loike it! Rather good lookin' in my opinion. At least yah don't look like yer head just exploded!" He gestured to his ash covered face.

You laughed. "True, what did you do for that to happen?" He was about to launch into another tale when someone else spoke. "Yeah... What did yah do?" Sniper was seated next to you. You jumped and looked at him. "Oh my! Sniper you almost gave me a heart attack." Junkrat looked at him as well. "Sorry mate didn't see yah there!"

Sniper crossed his arms. "No one usually does, 'til they're dead." You chuckled. "Sometimes they still don't see you though. You can be more stealthy than Spy." He almost smiled. "Thanks sheila." Junkrat looked back at you. "So, can Oi continue?" You nodded but Sniper interrupted again. "Actually mate, Oi got a question for yah."

Junkrat grinned a goofy looking grin. "Ask away!" Sniper chuckled. "Alroight..." He lunged at Junkrat, earning a yelp from him. "Wot do yah think yer doin' flirtin' with Y/n?" He asked. Junkrat, to taken back to defend himself, rose his brows. "Woah mate! Oi dunno wot yer talkin' 'bout!"

"The hell yah do! Yah said she was good lookin'!" Sniper pointed back at you. You yelled at Sniper. "Sniper chill! Why are you getting so protective?" Junkrat looked at you. "Yer not togethah?" You shook your head.

Junkrat laughed and looked at Sniper. "Hah! Jealous little Aussie aren't yah?" Sniper growled. "Jealous? Of what? Yah stand no chance with a beaut loike Y/n." Your cheeks flushed. "Sniper get off of him!" You scolded. "Not until he learns his lesson." Sniper replied.

You got up and grabbed Sniper's waist, pulling him backwards. You kept pulling but lost your footing. You fell back onto the couch with your back on the side arm. "Shit!" Sniper turned and was about to walk over when he was roughly pushed by Junkrat.

He fell on top of you. Your legs were spread and around him. He had his hands on either side of your shoulders. He groaned and his glasses were gone. He looked down at you and blushed a bit. "Y-Y/n Oi'm so sorry! Oi didn't mean tuh. Tha' little bastard pushed me and-"

Junkrat laughed. "Ooh! Look at the couple on the couch!" He teased. Your face burnt red and so did his. "Oy! Shut up yah bloody wankah!" Sniper shot back. "Why? Whatcha gonna do Snipah?" Junkrat replied.

Scout and Tracer showed up. "Oh my! You all must be very close to allow this on the couch!" Tracer said. Scout laughed. "Nah we ain't. Yo, go get a room for god's sake!" He said to you and Sniper. Sniper got up and started towards Scout. "Scout Oi swear to god when Oi get my hands on yah-"

"Hey, Y/n I gotta tell yah somethin' about Sniper!" Scout said. You rose a brow and readjusted yourself on the couch. Sniper glared at Scout. "Don't you dare-" Scout clamped a hand over Sniper's mouth. "He's been in love with yah since yah got here!" Sniper's face turned a deep red and he punched Scout.

D.Va appeared behind you. "I don't know what's going on but I ship it already." You frowned. "I do too!" Tracer chimed in. Junkrat smirked. "Yah gonna kiss 'er yet Snipah?" Sniper turned to punch him but was tackled by Scout. As for D.Va and Tracer, they picked you up by your underarms. They had started to chant, "Kiss!" which got the attention of many others.

Junkrat and Scout were pushing Sniper over to you. You looked at Sniper, who looked back at you nervously. "Sheila Oi'm sorry 'bout this." Next thing you knew his face was smashed into yours.

Your lips contacted and at first neither of you knew what to do. Eventually you wrapped your arms about him and he did the same to you. Multiple people cheered around and the others let you two go. Sniper and you kissed with great passion as Scout caught it all on camera. Sniper saw the camera and flipped it off.

You two pulled away and you smiled. Sniper smirked as you began to laugh. D.Va and Tracer cheered. Junkrat was laughing still with Scout. You and Sniper sat down together. He looked at you. "Wanna get some coffee sometime?" You nodded. "I would love to."

Sniper eventually made up with Junkrat, as he meant to just compliment you in a non flirtatious way. If he ever got to close, Sniper would wrap an arm around you protectively, and pull you close to him. You did however finally get to hear the rest of Junkrat's stories.

You looked at Sniper and pecked his cheek. He blushed a deep red once more and you laughed. "Your adorable." He frowned. "Whatevah..." You snuggled closer to him. "But I love that about you." You said. He sighed and smiled.

"Oi love yah too."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now