Precious - Shy!Sniper x Reader

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Quick thing, thank you for 300 reads! Alright enjoy!


You have worked on the base for years. You were on good terms with almost everyone. Everyone except Sniper.

Whenever he was talking with someone he was into the conversation, using hand motions, expression, excetera. As soon as you would enter the room he would go quiet and if you tried to talk to him he would just grunt out a response.

You honestly did not know if you offended him in some way or what. It hurt though. You have admired him for all these years. You knew what he was like but yet you didn't at the same time. He had saved your ass hundreds of times on the battlefield. He was such a confident man.

But not around you.

One day during dinner, everyone was enjoying a meal Engineer prepared. Not everyone was in yet as Spy was smoking and Sniper was just waking up from his nap in his van. You looked at everyone. You cleared your throat. "Does Sniper hate me or something?"

They all looked like they wanted to laugh but each mercenary held it in. "Hate yah?" Engineer asked. "Yeah hate me. I mean the man barely talks to me and when he does he just grunts like Frankenstein or something! He avoids me where ever we are and the only time he actually acknowledges my presence is on the battlefield!"

The men looked around at eachother and seemed to come to a silent agreement. When you sat down at the table everyone filled in around. Except they left a seat next to you empty. Usually Pyro and Engineer sat next to you but today Engineer was across. You rose a brow at him. "Do I smell again? I took a shower." Engineer shook his head and chuckled. "You will find out soon."

You shrugged and greeted Spy when he walked in. Spy waved a hand in your direction and looked at the way you were seated. He knew right away something was up as the seating arrangement next to you was not normal. He looked at Engineer and rose a brow. Engineer's smirk was a good enough answer. Spy grabbed his food and took the empty seat next to Heavy.

Sniper entered and grunted his hellos to everyone. He did not take notice of the table until he had his plate of food. His upper lip twitched slightly at the sight before him. Slowly but surely he sat next to you.

Sniper began to eat his food and Scout stood up, quietly. Slowly he made his way around the table and he snatched Sniper's hat. "Oy! Yah bloody wonka give tha' back!" Sniper's hair was rather messy under the hat and you could tell he just woke up. Scout laughed. "Come get it, yah too slow?" Scout taunted.

Sniper growled and stood up out of his seat. He began to walk around the table. "Oi ain't savin' your ass next battle Scout Oi swear..." Scout was circling the table as well. He put on an Australian accent and set the hat on his head. "Look at me! Oi'm the Snipah. I don't know how to use a fricken toilet!" Some men chuckled but Sniper was fuming. "Wot? Oi do too! Yah troi sniping for once! Think Oi loike pissin' in jars?" Sniper said. Spy mumbled next to Heavy. "Bushman sure likes to throw them..."

Scout stopped behind you and plopped the hat on your head. Sniper let his jaw drop at the sight. The men were all smirking at him. He frowned at everyone then sat back down next to you. Scout sat down as well. "Dontcha want your hat back Snipes? Or yah to chicken?" He said.

"Shut up..." Sniper mumbled, taking a bite of his food. Soldier was having his own miny war on his plate of food. You were watching the sight and would giggle each time the one he considered himself 'killed' another. Sniper's cheeks began to tint a slight pink. Men noticed. "Herr Sniper are jou feeling alright?" Medic asked.

Sniper nodded and could not shield his face without his hat, which turned him full pink. Spy swallowed a bite of food. "Missing 'our 'at Bushman? It is right zhere... 'ou could just grab it." Sniper glared at Spy. You however just continued to eat your food with the hat nestled on your head.

"Hey Snipes." Scout said. Sniper looked up at him. "How come if any a us take your hat, yah flip your lid. But when Y/n is wearin' it yah could care less?" Sniper frowned at Scout. "Yah thinks she looks good in it or somethin'?"

Sniper's cheek flushed violently. "Oi w-w-would nevah! Yah all look loike shit in moi hat! Y/n looks wonderful! Oi mean beautiful! AH GOD DAMN IT!" Sniper buried his face in his hands. You looked over at him, slightly blushing. "You think I look good?"

He looked at you, his face still burning red. "Wot!? No! Oi mean yes your stunning! Oi mean- AUGH!" The men around began to laugh and your cheeks began to flush.

Sniper began to hit his forehead on the table. A little worried that he will hurt himself you stopped him. You placed a hand on his farthest cheek and made him look at you. His forehead was red. You placed your other hand on his forehead, brushing away his hair.

"Your forehead is bruising. Don't do that." He began to blush. "Your face is even turning red." Scout started to lead a chant. "Kiss, kiss, kiss, Kiss, KISS, KISS!" Others began to join in and bang their fists on the table.

You looked at Sniper. He looked at you. You shrugged and pressed your lips to his. His eyes widened and the hat on your head fell to the floor. Everyone cheered around you as Sniper slowly melted into the kiss. His hands rested on your thighs and both of yours were on his jawline.

When he pulled back he was looking at you with his jaw dropped. You picked up his hat and placed it back on your head. "Tha' w-w-w-was-" You shushed him. "Hey I don't want you to stutter yourself to death. Your precious. It's adorable." He shut his mouth and rolled his eyes. "Oi ain't precious." He went back to eating. You rolled your eyes. "Whatever you say." You looked at him and smirked.

"My precious Sniper."

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