Late Check In - Miss Pauling x Reader

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This was requested by this wonderful reader  Thomas_Jeffershit

I hope you like it! Also I had a lot of fun writing this chapter! If you liked it too then I will do more Pauling x readers in the future! Whelp, enjoy!


The administrator's schedule was tight and the daily check in Miss Pauling needed to do was later then average. Miss Pauling pulled up to the base and parked her car. She grabbed her clipboard and pen out of the passenger seat and headed up to the door.

She knocked on the door exactly three times then adjusted her tight bun. A wrinkle was shown in her short skirt that she quickly brushed out. The door opened to reveal your drunk and confused face.

"Pauling!" You cried, a small hic escaping from your mouth. Miss Pauling rose a brow. "Yes, Y/n, hi. I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner but-" She was cut off by you grabbing her wrist and dragging her inside.

"Hey guys!" You called. "It's Pauling!" Cheers emitted from other drunk mercenaries. Miss Pauling managed to wrench out of your grip and look around. She sighed and pinched her nose with two fingers.

"Why wasn't I expecting this...?" She mumbled. Music was playing loudly and she watched the scene around her unfold. She attempted to scribble down notes of things she could use.

She continued to write and briefly glance up at everyone. Miss Pauling tapped her foot lightly on the floor as she worked. She was so focused she didn't see you slide over. "Whatcha writing?" You asked.

Miss Pauling didn't look up. "Notes on the socialization progress of your teammates." It took a while for your brain to understand what she said. Then you replied loudly. "Pft, nah! Screw them! Screw that! Why don't you come party with us?"

She rose a brow. "I'm here to work, not party." You walked behind her and set your chin on her shoulder. She looked at you. "What are you doing?" She asked. "Working." You replied. "How are you doing that exactly?" You smiled. "I'm observing." She rolled her eyes and continued to write.

You wrapped your arms around her body, preventing her from writing. She stiffened and clicked her pen. "What are you doing now?" You ignored her question. "Dance with me." She furrowed her brows. "No thanks, Y/n I need to work." You smirked against her.

"It wasn't a question."

Swiftly you pulled her onto the dance floor. She had dropped her pen and clipboard in the process and let out a small yelp. You let her go and began to dance in front of her to a fast paced song. Your moves were good for a drunk person. Maybe better than a sober person's. "C'mon Pauling!"

She stood in front of you with her arms crossed. You turned around and shook your hips to the beat of the music. You turned your head and winked. Finishing off your dance you spung, facing her, and blew Miss Pauling a kiss.

She snorted a small laugh making you smile. "See? It's fun!" You took her hands and swayed to the music as the song changed. Miss Pauling didn't move her body but her arms rocked with yours. "I'll let you work if you dance one song with me. Only one song! Please?" You begged.

She rolled her eyes. "Fine, but only ONE song. Alright?" You nodded and she began to rock back and forth. Lamest dance ever. You took note of that. "No, you need to put effort into it." She frowned. "This is my effort. I can't dance." You smiled.

"Sure you can! Here I'll help you." You pulled her close to you. You began to sway slowly with her. Scout came up behind you. "Ooh~ Couple on the dance floor!" You hit him over the head but smiled at Miss Pauling.

Miss Pauling's face was turning pink. Scout left and went to the radio. He turned on a slow song. You smiled at Miss Pauling again. "Perfect..." She said, rolling her eyes. "I said one song, I know but..." She shushed you. "I want to dance with you."

You widen your eyes. "What? You do?" She nodded. "You are one of the few people in this world who really care about me." She said. "The least I can do is share a dance with you." She smiled and her face turned more pink.

You smiled and set your hands her waist. Miss Pauling, hesitantly, put her arms around your neck. You two swayed to the music. You wrapped your arms around her and laid your hands on her lower back.

She was pressed up against your chest and ever so lightly you felt something brush your chin. You locked eye contact with her. She bit her lip and shrugged. You smiled and nuzzled your nose on hers, making her cheeks turn pink once more.

You pressed your lips onto her cheek and giggled seeing how she became a flustered mess afterward. "How r-red is my f-face?" You laughed. "Very." She sighed. "Great..."

You held her closer to you. "It's adorable." You said. She nuzzled her face into your neck. "No it's not." You rested your head on hers and continued to sway. "Yes it is." You let out a yelp feeling something sharp on your neck. Miss Pauling had nipped at it. "Ok ok! Fine it isn't adorable."

She chuckled but did it again. "What are you doing P-Pauling?" She continued to keep her face nuzzled in your neck. "Working." You rose a brow. "On what?" She looked up at you and kissed your nose. "That is confidential information."

"Why are you flirty all of a sudden?" You asked. She laughed. "I've probably been spending to much time with you." You smirked. "I like it." She rose a brow and inched closer to your face. "Really?"

You nodded and pressed your forehead to hers. She closed her eyes and leaned in. You followed her lead and met her warm lips. Her lipstick rubbed off a little bit onto your lips. You dipped her down and she wrapped a leg around yours.

The moment ended when both of you pulled back for air. You stood back up straight but her leg was still around yours. You set your hand on her cheek and she giggled. "Stealing my lipstick I see?" You shook your head. "You gave it to me."

"Did I now? I don't seem to remember that." You chuckled. "Forgot to write it down then?" She punched your arm. "Shut up." You smiled. "Make me." She pushed her lips onto yours, making you stumble backwards. She pulled back and smiled.

Miss Pauling kissed you cheek and picked up her stuff from a few feet away. "Hey, Y/n?" You looked at her with a red face. "Hhm?" She winked at you.

"I can't wait for our next dance."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now