Your Engineer - Engineer x Male!Reader

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Requested by - flop101

Thanks for requesting! I hope you enjoy it, it was my first male fic so please go easy on me! It was fun to write. Have a wonderful day my dearest reader! <3


You were one of the first mercenaires on the team, the commander of them to be exact. You consisted of Sniper, Soldier, Medic, Pyro and Heavy. You had been talking to Pauling and found out you were getting a new recruit. She told you he was from Texas and that he was the smartest man that tried out for the job.

You expected him to be some sort of tank like Heavy. Pauling had said he came from Texas. You were rather excited to meet the new guy. Once he showed up with Pauling you lost all sense of intimidation.

He was so fucking adorable

Him and Pauling got out of the car and she held one of his bags. He held the other with one hand. He stuck out his open hand and smiled at you. "Nice to meet yah commander! Ah am your new Engineer." You were a little stunned at the sudden burst of excitement. He had to look up in order to make eye contact with you. He dropped his voice. "Names Dell Conagher, Miss Pauling told me tuh tell only yah."

"Uh my Engineer? I mean yeah. Welcome to the team Engineer." You turned to the others. "Men, and Pyro, this is my new Engineer." They all looked at you and chuckled among themselves. You gave them a glare and they silenced themselves. "Our new Engineer... I expect you to treat him with respect, honor, and dignity. I don't want to see any funny business with our new recruit."

You began to walk into the base and once you passed Heavy you said, "Get his bags for him." Once your form disappeared in the door the men looked towards Engineer. Miss Pauling had left and they were alone now. Heavy walked over to Engineer and Sniper piped up. "Good first impression Engineer... he was never tha' noice to any o' us."

Heavy grabbed his bags and almost smiled out of pity at the man. Engineer looked to the rest of the mercenaries. They were all smirking at him. "Is that bad?" They chuckled once more and walked into the base. Engineer was left outside to his own thoughts.

A few weeks had gone by and the day of training was almost done. Engineer had been having some issues recently fitting in with the others. They all seemed to be staying away or making fun of him. All actions would cease once you entered the room though.

Currently Soldier and Sniper were harassing him. Engineer was being shoved around by both and being just flat out bullied. "Fellas Ah told yah to piss off." He stated. He was being held by Soldier currently. "Listen here maggot, you don't tell us what to do." Sniper chuckled. "Yeah mate, yah puny little buggah." Engineer's cheeks flushed. "Ah ain't short!"

The men laughed. Soldier shoved Engineer towards Sniper. Before Engineer reached him, Sniper stepped out of the way, and Engineer fell to the floor. He fell backwards over the couch. Engineer hit his back on the table in front of the couch.

He groaned in pain and Medic hit Soldier over the head. He also hit Sniper. "Dummkopfs leave zhat man alone... he has done nozhing to jou." Soldier growled at Medic. "Fuck off you filthy Nazi." Medic glared at him. "Jou pazhetic American svine."

Soldier threw a punch at Medic, who doged. Sniper also threw a punch. "Schtay out of zhis bushman!" Medic chimed. Sniper glared at the German and Soldier took the time to punch Sniper. "Oy! Yah wankah! Wot was that for?" Soldier threw another punch. "FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!" Soldier screeched.

"What is going on in here?" You came storming in the room. All three men lined up and ceased their actions. "Zhese two vere harassing Herr Engineer." You shot daggers at both men. "Commander we were doing nothing of the sorts!" Soldier said. "I don't want to hear it." You snarled.

You looked towards the fallen Engineer. "Conagher! On your feet and come with me." You turned back to the others. "Doe and Mundy... sixty laps. Ludwig and Mikhail are in charge of you. Ludwig, make sure Pyro's knows they are on dinner duty tonight. Do I make myself clear?"

Medic and Soldier nodded. Sniper quickly piped in. "But sir, last time that wonkah almost burned down the kitchen-" You glared at him. "Do I Make Myself Clear?" You growled. Sniper backed off and nodded.

You turned and marched off, followed by Engineer. "Sir Ah really didn't do anythin' Ah swear-" You kept walking but cut him off. "Zip it." Engineer's cheeks lit up a pink as you two walked. You opened a door to a room and Engineer walked in. You stayed at the door and locked it behind you. You turned to Engineer. "Are you alright kid?"

The soft rumble that was your voice, almost spooked Engineer. His face lit up a pink and you inched closer to him. He backed up and hit your desk. You continued to go forward and he ended up practically sitting on your desk with you in front of him.

Your hands were on each side of him but on the desk. "You didn't answer my question." Engineer was looking around frantically and his face burned from the heat. "S-Sir Ah'm sorry for this!" He yelped

Engineer threw himself onto you, his lips colliding with yours. It was quick but you could feel the passion he had for you. He removed himself from you and you grabbed him by the collar. You lifted him up so he was eye level with you. "S-Sir! Ah didn't mean tuh! Ah am so sorry!"

You smirked and connected your lips again. This time it was slow so Engineer could relax somehow in your grip. He slid his arms around your neck and his face went back to room temperature.

You pulled back for breath and set Engineer down. "C-Commander?" You smiled down at him and crossed your arms. "Are you all right now kid?" Engineer couldn't hold back his grin, "Ah am better than ok Commander... now that I know you're going to protect me." You chuckled. "Well..." You started.

"You are my Engineer."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now