Vati - Medic x Child!Reader

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Requested by my friend Gigi. She does not have a wattpad but she does read my stories! If you have requests just ask! 


"Medic... Put her back."

The mercs all looked at the man. He was holding a small child, around four or five years old, in his arms. His arms were around your torso and your legs were dangling underneath you. "Vhat? I like her. She is mine now!" You waved at the men.

Engineer cleared his throat and waved back. "Where'd yah find the little darlin' exactly? Doesn't she have a momma?" Medic shook his head. "Nein. She vas on zhe streets wiz nozhing but a box house. I found her and took her to my lab! She is in decent healzh for vone zhat vas on zhe streets." He glared. "Jour not telling me to put her back... are jou?"

They shuffled around. "Jou vant me to put a child on zhe streets? Vhat kind of monster do jou zhink I am? Just because I gave Heavy a mega baboon's heart doesn't mean I am a monster. Ve all have seen how many battles ve have von because of it!"

He glared. "Vhen vas the last time jou did somezhing for me? Not vone thank jou. Not vone please... I deserve a gift from jou all and zhis child is it." They did not say a word as he stormed off, you still in his arms. Medic set you down in his lab, turned and shut the door. When he turned back you were gone. He smiled. "Hide and seek? Jou did say jou liked zhis game."

He began to sneak around, in a low position, smiling the whole time. "Mein Kind (Child) vhere have jou gone?" You stifled a giggle from under his bed. He kept walking around stealthily. "I'm going to find jou! Jou can't hide from me kleine Maus." (Tiny Mouse) You giggled this time out loud. You covered your mouth.

Medic had made his way towards the bed and stopped right in front of it. He tapped his chin and put his other hand on his waist. "Hmpf I vonder vhere she has gone?" You giggled again, as he was standing right in front of your spot.


He swiftly dropped down into a pushup like position. He was smirking at you as you squeaked. You crawled out backwards and jumped up. So did he. "I'm going to get jou!" He jogged around the bed but you were to fast and ran around it as well. Now you were on opposite sides again.

You laughed as this game continued for a while until he pulled a trick on you and went the other way. He grabbed you and lifted you up. "I caught jou! I have von!" He spun you around in a circle as you laughed again. He flopped down on the bed and you were next to him. He looked at you and stuck out his tongue. You did it back.

You crawled on top of him and sat on his chest. "I won!" He put a hand to his forehead. "Oh no! I have been captured and conjured!" You smiled and patted his chest with your small hands. He looked up at you and pouted. "I feel betrayed kleine Maus."

You had a look of mischief on your face. "You attacked me first." He nodded. "Jou are correct. Even zhough I had a right to." You tilted your head. "Medic?" He rose a brow. "Hm?" You twiddled your thumbs. "Can you be my dad?" He looked a little shocked. "Of course kleine Maus! I vould love to! Jou are my child now, I vill take gut care of jou. If jou vant jou can call me Vati. It means dad vhere I'm from." You smiled. "Of course Vati!" He smiled more but then smirked.

He wrapped his arms around you and flipped over on the bed. You were now on your back. He was on all fours, looming over you. "I alvays vin Maus." He nuzzled your nose with his. You giggled. "Always?" He nodded. "Alvays." Medic kissed your cheek. Then your other cheek. Then he kissed you all over your face. You giggled at each kiss.

He blew a raspberry on your cheek and you squealed. It felt funny after all. "Did I vin?" He asked. You shook your head. "Never!" He smirked and blew another raspberry, but bigger. You squealed again. "Now did I vin?" You nodded. "Yes you win!" He planted one more kiss on your cheek then he flopped down next to you. You looked at him and hugged his arm.

"I love you Vati." You said. He looked at you and smiled with a high level of softness. "I love jou too." He said. You snuggled closer and kissed his nose. He turned on his side and wrapped his arms around you.

You being a small child hugged him back around the torso. You snuggled your face into his chest. He rubbed your back and kissed your forehead. You yawned and shut your eyes. He nuzzled his face into your hair. "Good night Vati." You said. He smiled in your hair and shut his own eyes. "Good night kleine Maus."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now