Play With Me - Demoman x Child!Reader

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"Lassie! Not right now!" You clung onto his leg. "You said you would play with me!" Being a child was hard. The merc's would want to play with you but then leave! How rude.

"Oi did say that and Oi will! Just not right now." Demoman lifted his leg but you still dangled from it. "Play with me! Play with me!" You began to chant. Demoman wrenched you off of him, then sat down at his desk. "Oi will. Give me ten minutes alright?" You sat on the floor and pouted.

He sighed then turned his attention to what was on his desk. You frowned and looked up at him. You had always wondered what his hair looked like underneath the hat. You wanted to know.

You quietly began to sneak over. You stood up and extended an arm. Your hand was about to touch it when Demoman turned to you, smirking. "Oi said ten minutes. It hasn't even been two." You frowned and sat of the floor again, then he turned back to his desk, and continued his work. "Why do you always wear your hat?" You asked.

"Oi like it." He said. "Why?" You asked. " 'cause it is warm." He stated. You rolled onto your back. "Why?" He looked at you. "Stop askin' that." You smirked. "Why?" He sighed and rolled his eye. "You are just like Scout."

"Thank you." You smiled. "Tha' wasn't a compliment." He said, screwing something into a sticky bomb. "Has it been ten minutes yet?" You asked. "No, it's been four." You groaned. You wanted to play right now. Not in five minutes. Or was it six? You were never good with math. Either way you had to find a way to get his attention and play with you. He really got mad when you touched the bombs so that was out of the question.

Your eyes settled on the beanie again. Demoman said it was warm but you wanted to test that theory. You sat up again, this time you would just grab it and run. You stood next to him and looked at the bomb. "Why are you working on that?"

He looked at you. " 'cause Oi want tuh." He turned his attention back to the bomb. That is when you sprang. Swiftly you grabbed his hat and ran. You heard him in his room yelling to you. "Y/n! Bring tha' back! It's mee hat!"

You kept running then stopped in the living room. There were multiple men in there. You put the beenie on and your eyes settled on Heavy. Despite his size he was always best at hide and seek. You ran over. "Hi Heavy!"

"Leetle gurl, Dat is not your hat." You nodded. "I need a spot for hide and seek! Where should I hide?" He tapped his chin. "Demoman's hat correct?" You nodded again. "When he leaves his room, hide under da desk." You hugged Heavy's giant arm. "Thank you!" Then you began to jog back to Demoman's room. You hid in the dark corner of the hallway until he came out.

Demoman walked out of his door grumbling. "Bloody kids..." You stiffened a giggle and watched him walk away. His hair was very messy but you liked it. It suited him. Once he rounded a corner, you went inside his room, and swiftly hid under his desk.

Demoman came back in the room. That was fast. He walked around his bed and then to the desk. He stood by the chair and set something down on the desk. Then he left, shutting the door. What did he put up there? You could smell it. It smelt sweet, really sweet, and good. It smelt like... cookies! Quickly but quietly you scrambled out from under the desk to look.

It wasn't cookies... damn it. It was a bottle of cookie smelling perfume. Where the hell did he get that? It doesn't matter because BAM Demoman's behind you. You turned swiftly and saw the man. He was looming over you, messy hair and everything.

You screeched and tried to run away but he was to quick. Demoman grabbed you and flopped down onto his bed. "Oi said Oi would play with yeh." He grabbed his hat off of your head. "Now Oi want yeh to remember." He put in on and put you in a headlock.

"Yeh brought this on yerself."

He put his knuckles in your hair and viciously began to give you a nuggie. You screeched. "Demo no!" He only went faster. "Yeh wanted to play! Here yeh go!" You pushed at him and tried to bite his hand. "Your a jerk!" You said. "Hm? What was tha'?" You successfully bit his hand. He let you go and frowned. "Why you lil' twerp. C'mere!" You ran to the other side of the bed. "Can't catch me!"

Demoman ducked down so you couldn't see him over the bed. You looked around then jumped back on the bed. Demoman was at the end of it still crouched down. You jumped onto his back and put him in a headlock. "Bring it!" You chanted.

Demoman could not reach you on his back and he began to laugh. "Yer good at this Y/n." You smiled with pride. "Thank you." He smirked. "Not good enough though." Demoman fell back onto the bed, squishing you underneath him.

You let out an 'oof' from his weight. "Demo! That's cheating! I can't push you off. I'm too small." He laughed again. "No excuses. You're just losin'." You patted him on the head with your hands. "Can you get off me now?" He tapped his chin. "Oi can... If yeh admit your defeat." You sighed. "I admit to losing to Demo." He got off of you. "In the biggest loser competition!" You said laughing. He laughed and sat cross legged on the bed. "Nah, the winner for tha' one is Scout." You nodded. "Or Spy."

You sat cross legged in front of him and began to punch on the chest, but your hands were small so they caused no pain to the Scottish man. He let out a fake groan of pain. "Demo, will I ever be as strong as you?" He shrugged. "If yeh put yer mind to it and work hard. Then yeh can to anythin' yer heart wants." You lit up in the face. "Even beat Heavy in arm wrestling?" He laughed again. "If yeh try hard enough then yeah sure." You cheered.

You stopped punching him and looked at him quizically. He noticed. "What are yeh thinkin' 'bout?" You rubbed your arm. "If you take care of me and protect me... does that make you my brother?" He smiled softly. "If yeh want me to be." You nodded.

He hugged you. "Then Oi am yer brother now. Tha' means Oi get tuh tell yeh what tuh do." You frowned. "You already do that." He laughed. "Then Oi guess Oi was yer brother all along!" You laughed and squeezed him tighter in the hug. "Oi love yeh lassie." He said.

You smiled and put on your best Scottish accent. "Oi love yeh too Demo."

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