Good Stuff - Demoman X Reader

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The man was so loud.

Louder than anyone you knew. He boasted a lot about his kills. He drank bottles after bottles of Scrumpy, as he called it, not to mention all the cursing. He made fun of the others a lot. To teasing remarks, stereotypical names, or even fist fights if he was drunk enough. You couldn't help it but,

You loved him for it.

But an easily flustered girl like yourself stood no chance with a merc of his style. A merc of his brains. Demoman fooled most with his drunken look but he was as sharp as his blade. He had brain smarts when it came to building bombs and other explosives.

You thought of all these things as you sat on the couch. Scout was next to you watching tv as always. It was later during the night of ceasefire day. Most men where in the living room. Chatting, smoking, drinking, exetera. Everything was normal as usual. Calm with the occasional burst of laughter.

Until he burst threw the door.

Multiple full bottles where in his hands as he trotted in. "Oi found more of the good stuff *hic*!"

Drunk, like most days off. Demoman showed off all the bottles as he was in just his red shirt and pants. No black attire like in battles.

Spy rolled his eyes as most men walked over claiming a bottle. Him and Engineer where the only ones who didn't. You on the other hand didn't even move from your spot. The drunken Demoman walked over to you and plopped down on the couch. You let out a quiet squeak and luckily he didn't hear it.

"Yeh want some lass?" He asked holding out a bottle. You shook your head. "No thank you Demo." You smiled slightly. "Yeh don't like it?" He asked scooting closer "I um... I haven't ever had it." You blushed slightly. He barked out a laugh. "Wull that doesn't mean yeh shouldn't try it!" He opened up the bottle.

You faced him blushing a little more. "Here try it lass!" He held out the bottle. One of his legs was knelt under him while the other was on the floor. His right hand held the bottle and the other was holding him up on the back of the couch. He moved closer now looming above you as you had your back against the arm of the couch. "I-I-I don't know D-D-Demo." He laughed again. "C'mon lassie! Yeh ain't scared are ye?"

You looked up at the taller man. His shirt held his big arm muscles that you could see flexing. Your face grew red as you looked him over. His shirt was hanging low over his collarbone and you could see down it. The muscular torso, big pecs, and such a strong looking chest covered in silky looking black hair.

"Ey girly." He chuckled. "Me eyes are up here."

Your face burned red as you met his eyes. He was smirking as he looked down at you. "Wh-what I wasn't-" He cut you off.

His lips met yours.

You melted deeply into it. It was so wonderful, so passionate. You tasted the alcohol on his lips. You loved every second of it. Until he pulled away. "Well lassie, back to my question." You stood there with your jaw dropped. He lifted the bottle to your lips and slowly raised it until a good amount was in your mouth. You swallowed. "Mmm... that was-"

He cut you off again. "Good I know. It's mee favorite." He kissed you again, this time leaning back and pulling you onto his lap. The mercs behind cheered.

Scout came behind the couch. "I guess a cyclops really can love, ey buddy?" Demo flipped him off and you laughed. Demo rolled his eyes but smiled playfully at you. You pecked his cheek and took the bottle from his hand, drinking it until it was half way empty. He stood there, jaw dropped.

So you pressed the bottle to his lips and let him finish it. 


Yeah it's kinda short but I think it's good enough with this length. I'm taking requests in the comments so PLEASE request! Plot's, characters, anything! Just request and I will see what I can do with it! Smut is still pending in my mind and if I get a lot of people asking then maybe I'll make another book or just mark those chapters as smut.

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now