Scouts and Trees - Soldier x Child!Reader

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Sorry this one is shitty, I biked 54 miles today, and I'm exhausted. Enjoy regardless :)


Tears welled in your eyes as you hid in a corner. "Yah can't hide from me kid..." A Bostan voice sneered.

A Scout of the opposing team had chased you down. Now you were hiding in a corner in a warehouse on the battlegrounds. You had your knees pulled tightly to your chest and your hand over your mouth.

"C'mere kid. I ain't gonna hurt yah..." You began to shake once you saw his shadow getting closer. You were small but you were fast, you might be able to outrun him if you tried. You got on your hands and knees and began to crawl out of the warehouse.

He hadn't noticed you. You stood up and saw your base a long ways away. You looked back and began to run. He still wasn't there, but you tripped. Your knee got scraped and you yelped. The sound attracted him. "Get ovah here yah little brat!" He called.

You got up and began to run the best you could but the pain in your knee didn't help. He began to gain on you quickly. You picked up a rock as you ran and threw it at him. It hit him in the chest and he groaned. His pace slowed a bit allowing you to keep running.

Your knee was killing you with pain and you needed a break. Your lungs were burning. You spotted a tree close by. You ran towards that and climbed up at an alarming speed. Once you were over half way up the Scout made it to the bottom of the tree.

"Stupid frickin' kid." The Scout began to climb up the tree the best he could, causing you to climb higher. Once you heard a grunt is when you looked down. Soldier was at the bottom, beating the shit out of the Scout.

The Scout escaped his grip and ran off. Soldier looked up and saw you. "Are you alright cupcake? That maggot didn't hurt you did he?" You felt a tear roll down your cheek. "N-no Solly." He sighed. "Can you come down?" You shook your head. "I'm s-stuck." You said.

He sighed again. "Listen my soaring little eagle, go slowly down the tree." You nodded and did so. Slowly you made your way down. Your foot slipped on a branch and you yelped. The law of gravity applied and you began to fall.

Soldier gasped and caught you. "You alright cupcake?" You nodded and held onto him tightly. Your knee hurt badly and the blood continued to come out. He saw this and gasped. "I need to get you to Medic."

So he took off running. You were clinging to him in fear and pain. Hot tears streamed down your cheeks. Soldier held you closer and burst into Medic's lab. The poor man, caught off guard, dropped a tray of bird seed. "Mein gott! Vhy don't jou ever knock? Jou schtupid son of-" Soldier cut him off. "MEDIC!"

"Vhat?! I'm right here!" Medic said in disbelief. "Dummkopf!" Soldier held you out to Medic. "Medic!" He cried once more. Medic rolled his eyes and took you from him. He set you down on his table. "Hallo Y/n." He said.

You wiped away your tears with your arm. "Hi Medic." He began to patch up your knee. "Vas zhe bad Scout chasing jou again?" You nodded, he did do it quite often. The Scout had almost caught you multiple times and you didn't want to know what would happen if he caught you.

"Vell, I vill make sure to shoot him down next battle more zhen usual. How does zhat sound?" He asked, smiling slightly. "Good." You replied. He chuckled. "Zhere, jour knee is done. How do jou feel?" You watched him stand up straight. "Better." He smiled. "Gut."

Soldier walked over, picked you up, and left. You heard Medic yell goodbye to you on your way out. You looked at Soldier. "I can walk myself Solly." He shook his head. "No, it's my job to take care of a small cupcake like yourself."

You nodded and nuzzled into his chest. "Thank you for saving me from the Scout, again." He nodded. "And the tree." You added. He couldn't help but smile. "Of course cupcake, anything for you." Your eyes lit up. "Anything?" He nodded. "Anything." You smiled. "Even letting me walk?" He laughed.

"Well almost anything."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now