A Fit Cupcake - Soldier x Reader

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Everyday Soldier works everyones ass off. Ten sweaty mercenaries, including yourself, working out and stinking up the whole base. If scents could kill then the opposing team stood no chance.

Today you had ran six laps around the base, done over one hundred situps, lifted over one hundred pounds while weight lifting, and now you were doing your third round of pushups.

You were exhausted. So was everyone else, except Soldier. He was doing the workouts with you the whole time but he was not even sweating. The man was like a super soldier, maybe he was related to Captain America. They both sure as hell love America!

After everyone finished the twenty pushups Soldier frowned. "I suppose you maggots can go drown yourself in your petty water. When I was in the war we survived on each others sweat! Most men with me DIED because I do not sweat! Unless I am punching a volcano, which is harder than you would think! I almost lost my hand." Soldier continued talking about volcanoes while you walked off to the kitchen to find your water. You picked it up and began to chug a good amount while everyone but Soldier followed.

"Noice work out there Sheila." Sniper said. "Thanks. Your doing good too." You replied. Engineer piped up. "Too? Ah don't know if yah noticed Y/n but yah are doing bettah than the lot of us at these torture sessions." You rose a brow. "What do you mean?"

Spy snorted behind you. You jumped and turned, punching him in the jaw. Spy grunted. "Oh my god I'm so sorry Spy! You caught me off guard!" He rubbed his jaw and nodded. "Sheila Oi'm sure Spy was gonna tell ya about today. Oi mean ya have been ahead o' most o' us today. Loike runnin' you were behind Soldier and Scout the whole time!"

"An' yeh finnish yer push ups beffer alla us!" Demoman chimed in somewhere. You furrowed your brows. "I guess I never noticed that. I always thought I was weak." Most men chuckled. "Oy! Have ye looked at yer arms Y/n? Yer more muscular tha' Scout!" Demoman said. "She is not!" Scout yelled. They started to bicker.

You did look at your arms. You raised up one and flexed. You really didn't pay attention to your strength but now it had your attention. Your biceps were bigger than Scouts. Medic chimed in next. "Jou can do zhings a Frau jour age und size could never do."

"Leetle gurl is stronger than Heavy's sisters. You should compete with your strength." Heavy said. Pyro lit up. "Hudda hud hudda!" No one understood a word. He grumbled something. He then pointed at Scout then to you then he took his hands. Demoman laughed. "Good idea Pyro! An arm wrestle!"

You shrugged and sat at the kitchen table. Scout sat in front of you smugly. "Now don't expect me to go easy on yah girly." You rolled your eyes. "Same thing here." Engineer walked over and you two took each other's hand. Engineer counted it off and you two began. Your arm immediately began to overtake Scout's.

Scout's eyes began to widen as he almost stood out of his chair. You continued to push down harder and harder until Scout's arm fell limp. "How did yah do that?" He screeched. The men laughed and Scout's jaw dropped. You shrugged. "I work out. You should try it sometime." Scout's face tinted a red as the men laughed again.

Soldier made his way in. "What the hell is going on in here? I could hear laughing from a mile away!" Demoman looked at Soldier. "The lass beat Scout in arm wrestlin'!" Soldier crossed his arms. "Anyone could beat that loser! She needs a real challenge!"

"Like you?" You chimed. Soldier scoffed. "Not that hard of a challenge cupcake!" Spy cleared his throat. "To scared Soldier?" Soldier gasped. "Scared? Me? Ridiculous!" Soldier stomped over and shoved Scout out of the chair. Scout landed with a grunt.

Soldier took your hand rather roughly and waited for Engineer to count it down. You blushed slightly because the man you were crushing on was currently holding your hand. "Three... Two... One... GO!" Engineer said.

You began to push on Soldier's hand. At first your hands stayed in the middle but then they started to shake more as your hand dominated. Slowly Soldier's hand began to lower towards the table. You could see his frustration growing as other men began to cheer and place bets.

Soldier was panicking as his hand came closer to the table. Using his other hand he pushed up his helmet. His blue eyes locked onto yours. Your face tinted more pink as you loved those eyes. Soldier knew you did and wanted to distract you as much as possible from the contest. He let his eyelids sag slightly as he wiggled his eyebrows.

You blushed more and looked back at your hand. Soldier began to fiddle with his shirt. You couldn't help but look back at him. His jacket was unzipped and his t-shirt could barely contain his pecs. Your eyes widen slightly and your grip started to slacken. Your hands were now even distance wise.

Soldier was smirking at you. He scratched the back of his neck while flexing his arm. You shook your head trying to focus back on the contest. Your arm was starting to hurt from all of the pressure. You looked back at Soldier once more. He licked his top lip then bit the bottom.

Your face was fully red now, he had gotten what he wanted as your hand finally hit the table. Some men groaned as the had lost a bet. You and Soldier stood up. "Men! This cupcake has proven my training has worked! You may have the rest of this day off!" Any sour mood was lost as they all erupted in cheers once more. Everyone began to file out of the kitchen except you and Soldier. Once everyone was gone you crossed your arms and looked at him. He had fixed his helmet.

"What was that for?" He looked at you. "What was what for?" You chuckled and rolled your eyes. "You know what. The eyebrows, the lip biting, the damn shirt." Soldier smiled. "My way of competing." He said. "More like cheating. I would have won if not for your charm."

Soldier smirked and walked towards you. "Are you sure?" He held his hands behind his back. You nodded. "Yeah I'm sure." He rose a brow, now standing above you, smirking. "Are you really sure?" You gulped as his hand slid around your waist.

"I-I-I am sure." He placed a hand on your chin and tilted your head upward so it met his gaze even under the helmet. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on your nose. "Re-evaluate your decision Y/n..." His other hand was on your waist and he pulled you close to him. You put your hands on his chest.

"Th-there is nothing to re-evaluate! I was correct-" He kissed your upper lip. "M-maybe I wasn't c-correct..." He smirked. "Good girl." He kissed you fully, squeezing your waist in his hands. You gripped his shirt collar during the whole thing. His kiss was rough and passionate a perfect kiss in your opinion. His arms moved to your thighs, where he picked you up. You wrapped your arms around his neck and your legs around his torso.

Soldier moved his hands to your rear, squeezing it to keep you in place, and because well it's an ass. You smiled on the kiss and slid one hand to the back of his head. You set your legs on the floor and grabbed his helmet. He smiled at you. "What are you doing cupcake? Give that back." You shook your head and put it on. You knelt down in a running start position.

"You will have to catch me first." Then you took off with him following.

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