Words Don't Express Love - Pyro x Mute!ChildReader

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Requested by - Y0uzie

I hope you like it!

There is a part were you are chatting with Pyro. The italics inside of the quotation marks are you using sign language. Alright enjoy and have a wonderful day!


You had been adopted by the mercenaires a long time ago. For four years you lived with them, you cared for them as they cared for you, you loved them.

But you had never spoken a single word.

Yes it was true that you were mute. You couldn't help it as that was how you were born. None of them really minded as you could still hear. It was still a difficult life for a five year old.

Today you had been playing with Pyro. You may not be able to speak but you can still make noises. For instance you could laugh. Pyro loved making you laugh. Right now he was making stupid but silly faces that your little kid self thought was hilarious.

You were sitting on his bed laughing harder than ever. Pyro had placed his mask a few feet away and he was doing faces a few feet in front of you. Suddenly the administrator came on the loudspeaker.

Mission begins in one minute

Pyro ceased his actions and walked over to you, picking up his mask. He kissed your cheek and smiled. "Stay safe love." He set a hand on your cheek, then put on his mask. You patted his hand and he left.

You jumped off of the bed. You ran into the kitchen and looked out the window, seeing multiple of the mercs going out into the field. One of them, being Scout, turned back and saw you. He waved to you and you waved back to him.

Suddenly the other team showed up and started shooting at your mercs. They were doing a front assault, but they were not allowed to be this close to the base. You gasped and ducked down as bullets shot through the walls.

You screeched, one of the other things you could do, and gripped your shoulder. You felt the warmth of blood under your hand as a bullet had hit your shoulder. The pain was overwhelming as you felt tears stream down your face.

Swiftly you stood up and looked out the window. You could see Pyro, but he was on the ground. A Scout was above him, kicking him violently. Pyro could not reach his flamethrower and you had to do something.

He may have respawn but you didn't know that. You thought he would die if you didn't do anything. Quickly you grabbed a frying pan from the sink and ran outside. You didn't even have shoes on as you ran. Pyro had his hands around his head.

You threw the frying pan right at the Scout. You screamed though as your dominant arm was the one with the injured shoulder. The frying pan hit the Scout in the chest and he fell backward. Pyro quickly stood up and grabbed his flame thrower.

He ran over and stood in front of you. He began to burn the Scout and you clung onto his leg. Tears and blood stained his pant leg. Once the Scout was burned to crisp he looked at you. "Hudda hudda huh!?" You knew he was mad at you. You left the house during a battle after all.

You whimpered and Pyro sighed. He noticed your shoulder and picked you up. Pyro ran to a large rock and hid behind it. He looked over it and took out his shotgun. He began to shoot towards enemies while he also yelled something that sounded like 'Medic.'

Soon enough the German arrived then gasped. "Pyro! Vhy is zhe child out here?" He shouted. Pyro continued to shoot then pointed at your shoulder. You whimpered again and Medic groaned. They both were mad at you now, weren't they?

"I'm sorry mein Kind... Zhis vill hurt." Medic began to quickly remove the bullet and you stood there the whole time. You tried to be strong and pull through. Medic stitched up your arm, a record time. Someone else called for him and he took of quickly. Pyro looked at you.

He pointed at the house. "Hudda!" You nodded and took off running. Pyro followed behind, shooting anyone in sight. Once you made it to the house he stopped outside and you ran in. You remembered the frying pan outside. Engineer would be mad if you wrecked his frying pan. Well he would have to tough it out and get a new frying pan.

The battle ended after two hours. You had been sitting on your bed, reading. Then a knock came on the door. Pyro entered, shut the door, and removed his mask. He rose a brow and you could see the disappointment on his face. "Why did you come outside during a battle?" He asked.

You set down your book and looked down. Pyro crossed his arms. "Why did you come outside during a battle? That is our number one rule and you broke it." You twiddled your thumbs. "Y/n..." You stiffened. He never used your real name, he always referred to you as 'love.'

Slowly you looked up at him. His glare was intense but you could see something else in it. It looked like concern. "Answer my question..." You looked back down. You saw his boots in front of you and he knelt down.

There were tears in his eyes. He placed his hands on your cheeks. His bottom lip quivered and a tear rolled down his cheek. "Please... answer my question." You sighed. "I didn't want anything to happen to you."

He sighed. "Love, I have respawn... You don't. I don't want you to risk your life for me, ok? I would never be able to live with myself if anything happened to you." Tears continued to flow out of his eyes and he squeezed them shut.

"I love you too much." He said. "I want you to stay in here no matter what... Ok?" You nodded. "Yes Pyro." He wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tightly. You wrapped your arms around his neck and squeezed him back. His hair was soft and you nuzzled your face into it.

He looked up at you and kissed your cheek again. "C'mon love. Lets go get some dinner. Heavy is making sandwiches." You smiled and stood up. You ran and grabbed his mask, then handed it to him. He smiled and put it back on. Pyro patted your head and took your hand. You both left your room off to find the kitchen, with the delicious sandwiches. 

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