Confession II - Defense

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I'm so glad I got this chapter out!! A lot of people have been asking for it, so here it is! The second part of the confession chapters! I will start working on the third and final edition asap! (support edition) I have prompts and all that lovely stuff but it still takes a while! I hope you all enjoy and have a lovely rest of your day!



It was a normal day in Teufort. You, Scout, and Engineer were in charge of buying supplies for the mercenaries. You had entered a small store. The store was small enough to see each wall but large enough to have a variety of things, even a small bakery, and coffee place.

The three of you walked into an isle that contained bread and jelly. "What did we need in here?" You asked. Scout pulled out a crumpled up sheet of paper from his pocket. "We need chicken, wheat bread, cereal, and... mutton? Da hell is mutton?" Engineer rolled his eyes, "Sheep Scout, mutton is sheep." Scout gasped, "Yah can't eat sheep! Dat's not okay!"

"Scout, we had shepherds pie a few nights ago." You added. "So? Dat was a shepherds pie Y/n. Shepherds herd cows, duh." You were concerned at how someone could be so clueless. Engineer also heard this, "Scout there are so many things wrong in that sentence... no matter. Ah am puttin' yah in charge of getting the chicken and mutton. Can yah do that?" Scout nodded and wandered off.

"How much yah wanna bet he's gonna find some lady to get with?" Engineer said once Scout rounded the corner. You chuckled, "I won't bet with you because I know you're right." He chuckled and began to walk towards the different loaves of bread. "Must be nice." He started.

You rose a brow and followed him, "What?" He scratched the back of his head. "Y'know. A relationship. Ah mean Scout has no idea what he's doin' but just the thought of bein' with someone. Ah have always wondered what it would be like." He seemed to trail off into his own mind. "Tuh have someone wanna be with yuh. Tuh want to spend their lives with yah. Tuh have someone love yah... y'know?"

You gave him a sympathetic look and he grinned. "Eh, who am I kiddin'? Ah am perfectly fine the way Ah am now. Not tuh mention Ah have the best friend in the whole world." He shoved you lightly with his shoulder. Your cheeks tinted a pink, "Really? I'm your best friend?" He rose a brow, "Nah, it's mah sentry. Of course it's yah! Y/n why wouldn't it be yah. Out of all the mercenaries, yuh are the only one who really spends time with me." You smiled. "You spooked me there, I thought you were serious about the sentry thing."

He laughed, "Why would Ah be serious about that? Besides, our friendship means a lot to me." He stated. You nudged him with your shoulder this time, "That's really sweet Engie." His cheeks flushed to a light pink. "W-We should probably get the stuff, do yah see wheat bread?" You turned your gaze to the breads. There was honey wheat, soft wheat, white bread, multi grain bread, among a lot of other breads. Finally your eyes landed on the wheat loaf. You reached for it.

Engineer reached for the same loaf and you two ended up hand in hand. That's when Engineer's embarrassed rambling started. "Y/n! Ah am s-sorry!" He started to continue, forgetting that he was still holding your hand. "Ah just saw yuh goin' for the loaf and Ah thought 'Huh, Ah wonder if Y/n's hands are as soft as they look' so Ah went for it without thinking! Ah feel like an idiot! I grabbed your hand with mah GLOVED hand! Mah gloved one Y/n! Yah can't feel shit through a glove!"

You couldn't help but giggle, "Engie, if you wanted to hold my hand you could have asked. I don't mind." He seemed to calm down slightly but his cheeks were still crimson. "Besides, I've always wanted to hold yours." You stated. His eyes widened, "Yah do? Really?Y-yer not jokin' with me?" You squeezed his hand a little tighter. "I'd never joke about you Engie, you're important to me."

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