The Real Engineer - Engineer x Reader

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Engineer was a Texan who was full of charm and good looks. You loved everything about him even his accent. Engineer was always there by your side, he was your best friend, and he always was good to you. You didn't know if he shared the same feelings for you but today was the day you were going to find out.

You dressed your best with the mercenary clothing you had and you fixed up your normally messy hair. You hopped Engineer noticed, or even care that you looked different today. He had been acting a little off for the past few days but you were sure he was just tired from the past battles.

You took a deep breath and exited your room. Engineer's workshop was only a few rooms down. You stood up straight and stopped outside the door. You set your knuckles on the metal and knocked exactly five times.

Shuffling could be heard from the inside. Engineer opened the door a crack and popped his head out, his helmet was crooked, and his forehead was sweaty. One of his overall straps was even off his shoulder. "Whaddya need Y/n? Ah am a little busy right now."

"Engineer I wanted to ask you about something." You said. "Is it worth mah time? Ah really need to get back to work." He flinched and something fell behind him. "Is everything alright in there?" You asked, trying to look in. "Everthin' is fine! Now what do yah want?" You stepped backwards. "Are you sure your ok-" He groaned. "Listen Y/n if yah are done wastin' my time could yah just go?" He glared at you threw his goggles.

You stepped back again, hurt. Engineer shut the door and you felt tears starting to prick at your eyes. You felt yourself back up against the wall and you fell to your knees. You buried your face in your hands and let the silent tears stream down your cheeks.

Someone poked your shoulder. You looked up and saw Pyro. The masked mercenary looked down at you with a tilted head. "Hi Pyro." You said. He held out his hand and you took it. He helped you up. Pyro rubbed your back and walked you to the living room. He sat you down on the couch where you explained your situation to him.

"I'm probably overreacting but it really hurt... I mean it sounded like he needed help. Have you noticed he's been acting off recently?" Pyro tapped where his chin would be with his index finger then he nodded. "Hudda hudda huh." You shrugged your shoulders and he patted your back.

Pyro stood up off the couch and walked into the kitchen. Heavy's head appeared from the doorway. "Leetle Y/n dinner is ready. Can you get Engineer please?" You nodded and stood up off the couch. You stretched your arms and made your way to Engineer's shop again.

You knocked again on the door but there was a very loud commotion on the inside. You took out a pistol from your pocket and threw the door open. Inside there were two Engineers. Both looked very beaten up but the one on your left had bruises all over his face and body. The Engineer on your right's overalls were all messed up and his hard hat was missing. The other Engineer had no goggles and his shirt was ripped up.

They stopped fighting and looked towards you. "Y/n! Darlin' help me!" The Engineer on the left said. "That's a Spy don't listen tuh him!" The one on the right said. You raised your hand gun towards both of them. You kept flipping back and forth. They both had their hands raised above their heads.

"Prove to me that you're really my Engineer." You said to both of them. The one on the right spoke first. "Mah real name is Dell Conagher." The one on the left scowled then he named your favorite ice cream. Both facts were true. "The first day yah worked here Scout tried to buy yah a drink from our fridge." The right one said.

The left one's face grew pink. "Ah have had a crush on yah since the first day Ah worked with yah!" Your face grew pink, the one on the left seemed convincing. The one on the right groaned. "Yah like tuh go on walks with me around Teufort." They kept listing things that were true.

"Ok listen, I'm going to ask a question that only the real Engineer would know..." They both stiffened. "What kind of animal heart to I have for Medic's Ubercharge?" The Engineer on the right smiled. "A pig's heart, Ah remember the surgery."

You shot the Engineer on the right. His head exploded and his body fell to the floor, a Spy's body. "Trick question, I don't have an Uber yet." Engineer smiled and ran over to you. He hugged you tightly. "Oh Y/n thank yah darlin' Ah thought no one would help me." You hugged him back and put your gun in your pocket.

"What happened to you? How did that Spy get a hold of you?" Engineer sighed. "No idea how he got in. Next thing Ah knew was Ah was tied down in mah storage closet! Ah escaped earlier but he had me gagged. Tha' was why there was such a ruckus in here earlier." You smiled. "I'm glad you're ok Engie."

He let you go and smiled. "Thank yah again." You took his hand. "So, you have a crush on me?" His face immediately went red. "Ah d-do yeah." You pecked his cheek. "Don't worry, I like you too." His face lit up. "Really?" He laughed and picked you up, spinning you in a circle. You laughed with him and he set you down. His lips contacted with yours and you two shared a tender kiss.

Until Sniper pounded on the door. "Dinnah yah bloody weasels!" You rolled your eyes and stared into Dell's piercing green ones. He kissed your cheek and took your hand. "Ah am starvin' what about yah?" You nodded. "Incredibly."

He gave your hand a slight squeeze as he walked out and into the kitchen with you. "Ah Engineer, I see jou are feeling better?" Medic asked. He nodded. "Ah feel great, could have done with a Spy check though." Multiple men rose their brows and Engineer chuckled.

"Don't worry, Y/n handled it." 

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