Flex - Drunk!Scout x Reader

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Yeah I know this one is short but DAMN the other chapter took me days to write. I mean DAYS. So this one was more of a relaxed fanfic that I wrote... but I still hope you like it. You can request in the comments so don't be shy!


"GUESS WHO FOUND MORE BEER!?" Scout called to everyone. You all had already consumed three to four bottles of beer. No one did object to more beer though.

He passed out bottles and the smallest 'hics' could be heard from him. Demoman had drunk the most and was already passed out on the chair. Engineer and Spy had drunk the least and were now talking about who is dragging who to their rooms.

So far it was all pretty calm, loud talking, high pitched laughter, even the occasional quick fight that meant nothing.


Spy wanted to mess with the others. He picked up a bottle of beer then turned invisible. The bottle floated over to Scout.

"Scout..." It said.

Scout turned and jumped. "Holy shit! Floating *hic* beer!" Scout reached out for it but it moved away.

"Scout you imbecile, I am your conscious." Scout gasped. "Woah. Yah look more like *hic* Demo's conscious." He said.

"You must flex, Scout. The fate of all humans rest upon you." Scout gasped again. "Everyone?!"

"Oui- I mean yes everyone." The bottle moved in a nodding motion. "Even Y/N?!" The bottle stopped moving. "What do you mean, 'even Y/N' Scout?" Scout rose his brow but still looked panicked. "Wull! Your my *hic* conscious aren't yah? Yah should already know I like her."

'The bottle' sounded like it was trying to hide laughter. "Oui Scout! Then you must flex! Hurry boy go! GO! SAVE US ALL!" Scout ran off and onto a nearby table. "HUMANITY, I AM YOUR SAVIOR!"

He practically ripped off his shirt and flexed his arms. You looked up at him and gawked. Your face started to turn red. You had drinken but you were not drunk enough to realize Spy did something to Scout. You approached Spy.

"Did you break him or something?" You chuckled. "Non, I did not do zhis." You rose your brow. "Engineer?" He burst out laughing. "Yah it was Spy." Spy hit him over the hard hat. "Idiot..."

Scout then came running up to you. "Y/N I SAVED HUMANITY! ARE YAH PROUD?" He yelled. Scout grabbed your head and hugged you. Your face was pulled into his warm chest causing you to blush. "Spy I swear to God!" You scolded.

The two men broke out laughing. Spy turned invisible. "Scout." A bottle said. "I'm back, you must kiss zhe girl."

"Don't need to tell me twice!" Scout said. Before you could even breath, Scout's lips were smashed on yours. As drunk as he was you still loved it. So did he.

You two began to make out heavily with his tongue finding a way into your mouth. Behind you Spy and Engineer were taking pictures for future blackmail opportunities.

Scout and you fell to the floor with him on top. His hands were running threw your hair and yours were on his still naked chest. You yelped as he bit your lip on accident. "Sorry *hic* toots!" You rolled your eyes. "Shut up and kiss me you dork." Then smashed your lips back on his.

Your arms found their way around his neck and his your waist. This night was definitely a night to remember. 

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now