Love Hurts - Yandere!Heavy x Reader

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Reqested by - LaNinjaNaranja

Wow third chapter today! I'm sorry for the wait, I hope you enjoy!


You hadn't spoken to anyone in a while in fear that he would get mad again. He wouldn't get mad at you instead whoever you spoke too. They would find themselves in respawn. You were a little scared of him yourself.

I mean who wouldn't be scared of a 6'3 living tank that's willing to murder anyone who stands in his way of being with you?

Truth was you had liked Heavy for a few years now. You had admitted to him about that a few months back and ever since you two have been going out for dinners or lunches. You two were not an official couple yet though. Until you were Heavy was keeping a close eye on you and the others to make sure they wouldn't try to take you from him, even though everyone knew to back off.

Tonight Heavy had made dinner. It was a traditional Russian dish that he learned from his mother. You had a mouthful of it currently but you spotted Heavy watching you across the table. You tried to act like you didn't take notice but it was hard not to. You swallowed the food and smiled at him. "Dinner is wonderful Heavy, thank you." Other mercenaries thanked him after you. He smiled at you and only you.

"Mother taught Heavy dish. She vas vonderful cook." You nodded. "My mom made good food too." You said and then you sneezed. "Bless yah lass." Demoman said next to you, not looking up from his food. You smiled and thanked him but Heavy glared at him.

You looked at Heavy and smiled softly. He knew that he scarred you every so often when he got overprotective. He tried hard to not murder his teammates but his fears of you being taken away by one of them was to much for him.

"Yo Y/n, I forgot to say good job today." Scout stated. You had retrieved the intel from the other team in today's battle. "Thank you Scout." You said. "How many times did yah take out their Soldier? Or any o' 'em?" He asked so you shrugged. "To many times I guess." He chuckled.

"You're a real good fighter Y/n." You smiled, a blush dusting your cheeks. Heavy looked at Scout. "Baby man." Scout looked at Heavy. "Go back to eating." Heavy said. Scout glared at Heavy. "Or what fatso?" You sighed and everyone else seemed to shrink in their seats. Mainly Sniper as he sat between Heavy and Scout.

Heavy's lip twitched. "Got back to eating..." Scout kept his glare. "Whaddya gonna do huh? Sit on me?" He laughed at his own joke, until Heavy shot him down with a shotgun. Normal for Heavy as he didn't want to use Sasha for everything. Scout's body disappeared as he was sent back to respawn, third time this week.

Sniper had been caught in crossfire and was now bleeding in his arm. "Oy! Bloody mongrel! Oi didn't do nothin'! Medic Oi need a hand." Medic began to stand up but Heavy motioned him to sit back down. "Here let Heavy help." Heavy set the gun on Sniper's head and pulled the trigger.

Sniper was also sent to respawn, second time for him. Heavy looked around. "Anyone else have anything to say?" No one spoke. "Good." Heavy continued to eat. Engineer cleared his throat and Pyro left. "Heavy, Ah think we should talk." Heavy didn't look up but grunted, indicating that he was listening.

"Yah don't own people, yah realize that right?" Heavy didn't say anything. "So Ah, Ah mean we, think that yah should realize that if Y/n wants tuh talk to someone... she can." Heavy looked at Engineer. "Y/n can speak to baby men all she wants. Baby men cannot speak to her."

Engineer shrunk in his seat. "Well Heavy, we have the freedom of speech." Heavy looked around. "Do all of you share this opinion?" No one moved but their faces showed it. Heavy growled, "Find then."

First he took out Spy. He had grabbed Spy's neck and squeezed it until he passed out from lack of oxygen. Then he used Spy's own gun to shoot him in the head. Next he went for Soldier. Soldier put up a decent fight but he was killed with a shovel. His last word sounded like "Commie" but no one really could tell.

Demoman and Engineer found themselves in a corner. Engineer shot Heavy a few times with his own shotgun but Heavy did not even wince. Not even when blood poured out of him. He grabbed both men by the head and smashed them together. Both of their skull definitely broke but Heavy shot them both to make sure they were dead. There was only one mercenary left.

Heavy turned towards Medic. Medic was backed up against a wall. "Heavy, mein Freund. Don't do zhis bitte." Heavy walked towards Medic, holding Engineer's shotgun. "Heavy has respect for two people on team." He was face to face with Medic. "Y/n and Doktor."

Heavy glared down at the defenseless German. "Leave now doktor or that will change." He snarled at the man. Medic nodded and ran out of the dining room. Heavy turned to you but collapsed. The gunshots finally hit him and now he was laying on his back.

You knelt next to him and looked at the mess around you two. There was blood and broken plates everywhere. "Heavy." You began. He looked up at you, his big blue puppy dog eyes met yours. "You can't keep doing this." You stated.

"But Heavy does not want Y/n to find someone else." You sighed. "Heavy I'm not going to be with one of those goons. I fell in love with you and only you. You don't need to do this, especially every week." He pouted and you kissed his forehead. "When was the last time everyone made it threw dinner even?"

Heavy opened his mouth to talk but quickly shut it, knowing what he was about to say was wrong. You laughed. "Exactly, never." He smiled up at you. "I love you Heavy, you know that right?" He nodded. "I'm never going to stop loving you, you know that too right?" He nodded again.

"Unless you eat my ice cream." You both laughed. "I vill not touch your ice cream." He said. "I don't think I can say the same about your sandwiches." You teased. He smiled again. "No vone can resist sandvich."

Medic snuck back in and placed a health kit on the table. You smiled and mouthed, 'thank you' to him. He nodded and walked out swiftly. You grabbed the kit and handed it to Heavy. Heavy took it and healed himself, the bullets fell out of him, and he stood up.

You looked up at the man but then he picked you up. "What are you doing?" You asked him, while beginning to blush. He smiled. "I do not vant to look down at you." You rolled your eyes. "I vant to be eye level with your beautiful face." He said.

You kissed his cheek. "Thank you Heavy but I can just get a step ladder for that." He laughed again and you could feel the deep rumble in his chest because of it. Heavy set you down and took your hand delicitaly. He feared that he would crush your hand with his large one.

"Come, eet is late. You need rest." He began to walk with you. "You need rest too Heavy." He rolled his eyes. "I do not need rest as you compel me forward." You leaned on his arm as you two walked. He walked you too your room.

You stopped outside the door and you had him lean over so you could give him a swift kiss. He couldn't help but blush while he kissed you back. You chuckled at his reddened face. He smiled down at you. "Good night my love." He said to you.

You set your hand on the door knob. "Good night Misha." He turned to leave but you called to him. "Hey Heavy?" He looked back. "Quit killing the guys alright?" He chuckled. "Only eef you promise to be mine forever." You smiled at him.

"Anything for the love of my life." 

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