Tiny Spy - Spy x Child!Reader

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Sorry for a short chapter. I wanted to say thank you so much for 1,000 reads!! All the comments too! Those are greatly like by me and I love hearing the feedback! Keep commenting and enjoy this chapter!


"How come I don't have an accent like yours?" You asked. "Because mon amour, 'ou are not French." (If you are then you win a prize... what is that prize you ask? I dunno, make one up.)

"Can I be French?" He rose a brow at you. "Zhat is not 'ow it works." You pouted slightly.

He smiled at you from his smoking chair. You sat cross legged on the floor in front of him. "If I am French can I be a mercenary?" He chuckled. " 'ou don't need to be French to be a mercenary."

"But you are French." You stated. "Never mind zhat. What class would 'ou be mon amour?" You smiled. "A spy!"

He chuckled to himself. "I would wear a suit and everything! I could get fancy hair, and a tie, and even a mask like you!" He smiled again. " 'ou are too adorable to be a Spy." You frowned. "No I'm not." He nodded. "Oui, 'ou are." You stood up and crawled onto his lap. You sat down facing him.

"Can you teach me French?" He rose his brow again. "Pourquoi?" You tilted your head. "What does that mean?" He cleared his throat. "Why?" You folded your arms. "So I can be a Spy."

"Zhat is not a requirement to be a Spy." You put on a French accent. "Zhat is not correct. I am Spy. I like fancy 'air and suits." He snorted a small laugh. "Is zhat 'our impression of moi?"

"What do 'ou zhink?" You asked him, with your French accent. "I zhink 'ou are adorable and zhat 'our impression needs work." You acted like you were holding a wine glass. "I am zhe Spy. I zhink I am great because I dress fancy and smell like baguettes." He laughed. "Do 'ou even know what a baguette iz?"

You chuckled nervously. "Well no... but I was told it was a French thing." He looked skeptically at you. "By Scout I presume?" You nodded. "Do not listen to 'im. 'e iz an imbecile." You giggled. "Would 'ou like to learn a French phrase?" He asked. You nodded quickly.

"Repeat after me." He cleared his throat. "Je suis une petite espion." You furrowed your brows and said it slowly. "Je suis... une... petite... espion?" He nodded. "Oui." You patted his chest. "What does that mean?"

He shrugged. "It poses no significant meaning to 'ou." You frowned. "But what does it mean?" He smiled. "I am a tiny Spy." You squeaked. "Really? That is what it means?" A small squeal came out of your mouth. "I get to be a Spy?"

He chuckled. "Mon amour, zhat iz for 'ou to decide." You hugged him tightly around his neck. "Are you going to teach me how to be a Spy when I am older? Do I get a suit? I want a tie with the suit! Maybe a bowtie. Yes! A bowtie! The best kind of tie! Do you have a bowtie?" He laughed again.

"Slow down mon amour. Oui I can teach 'ou, if 'ou want a suit zhen 'ou can 'ave one, et (and) oui I 'ave a bowtie." You smiled wider. "Spy if I am a spy when I am older do I have to smoke?" He widen his eyes. "Non! Do not get into zhis 'abbit. It iz very VERY bad for 'ou."

You sighed. "I know. I didn't want to smoke, that is why I asked." He smiled. "Bien, do not be like moi." You tilted your head. "But I want to be like you. I want to be just like you when I am older." He smiled.

" 'ou are an innocent fleur (Flower) et 'ou will be a spy one day." You smiled again. He continued. "When 'ou are older 'ou will be a wonderful spy. I can already tell zhat. 'ou will be a better Spy zhen me. 'ou will be zhe best spy zhere ever was." He hugged you. "But for now,"

" 'ou are mon petit espeon."

(My tiny spy)

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