Thunder Storm - Pyro x Reader

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As the storm got worse, everyone was left without power. Only darkness with the occasional light from lightning. You lay in your room on your bed and tried hard to fall asleep. A BURST of thunder broke out and you squeezed your pillow over your head harder, trying so hard to rid your ears of the sound. You heard a noise that was not from the storm and removed the pillow.

It sounded like running. Your door burst open and you screeched slightly. "H-Hey its alr-r-right." A shaky voice said. He was then illuminated by a strike of lightning. His figure was in the doorway, one hand on the door knob the other in his messy hair. His eyes were wide and you could tell he was nervous. He was only in mens boxers that had little patterns of balloons on them. He was very muscular and his arms had flexed from tension during the lighting. It was Pyro.

"Is everything alright Pyro?" You asked him. You moved your hand to your bedside table and grabbed a flashlight. Turning on you saw he was rubbing his arm in the doorway. "I'm just s-s-scared... I don't wanna t-t-tell the others though. S-s-so I came t-to you instead." You smiled and patted your bed next to you. He smiled slightly and started walking over. His steps fumbled once a boom of thunder was heard. He hopped on the bed next to you. You two sat with your backs on the wall and his knees were pulled to his chest. Pyro started to shiver as the heat was off. You wrapped your blanket around him and he nuzzled into it. "Wh-what about you though?

You shrugged. "I'll be fine, I just want to make sure you're not scared." He smiled as the flashlight lit up the room. You tried your best not to shiver because Pyro needed the blanket more than you. You twitched slightly and goosebumps met your skin. "Are you s-sure you don't want the blanket?" Pyro asked. You shook your head. "I'm fine Pyro."

That answer must not have been good enough because he scooted closer and wrapped and arm around you. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his midsection. One of the biggest bangs of thunder was heard with multiple flashes of lightning. Pyro screeched slightly and flung his arms around you. It made you lose your balance and fall to your side. You and Pyro adjusted so that way you were hugging him face to face. His arms were tightly around you and his face was hidden in your neck.

You nuzzled your face in his hair and rubbed his back. Your arms were around his neck. More lightning made him squeeze you tighter. "How come you didn't try the goggles on?" You asked. "I l-l-like you better." He said, his voice muffled slightly by your neck. "You're really warm Y/N" You chuckled. "I guess you could say I'm pretty hot."

He rolled his eyes but laughed. "No puns." You smiled in his hair. "Fine, that was the only one." He rolled his eyes again. "Knowing you there will be more." You laughed. "Well you're not stuttering anymore, so it made you feel better." He smiled. "Being in the same room as you made me feel better," You blushed slightly.

"You are like a bright light in a room of darkness. Filling me with hope and wonder. I just want to hold on to you and never let go. Your beauty shines brighter than anything and your smile radiates with grace." You blushed more. "P-Pyro stop it. You're making me b-blush." He laughed. "Good, you're adorable when you blush." Your face grew warmer. "Pyro stop it." You whined. He looked up at you. His big eyes made you think of a puppy.

"You look like a puppy Pyro." He frowned. "No I don't, I look like a grown man." You giggled. "A pretty adorable grown man." He frowned more. "You should get your eyes check, I'm not cute." You laughed. "Yes you are! Look at your big puppy eyes! You're super innocent too." He rolled his eyes. "I am not. I kill people for a living." You raised a brow and smirked. "But do you ever see yourself killing them?" He opened his mouth, then closed it, and then blushed. "No... I don't." He mumbled.

You smirked more. "Hmm? What was that? Can you speak up?" He kissed you. The kiss was full of passion and you melted in it. When he pulled away he was smiling. "Pyro." You said. "That won't distract me, you never answered me." He laughed. "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that the storm has settled down... it's just raining a bit." You frowned. He rose a brow. "What?" You looked away but he put a hand on your cheek and made you look at him. "What?"

"You are going to leave now aren't you?" He smiled. "Never in a million years." You smiled and he kissed you again. This one was longer. He wrapped his arms tighter around you and you pulled him closer to you. Eventually you two fell asleep during the rain. Though you were awoken by a bright flash of a camera. Scout was in the doorway with Soldier and Demoman. They saw you two wake up and started to laugh.

"Good morin' cupcakes!" Soldier said. You blushed and pulled your blanket over your face. Pyro was also turning red and he flipped off the mercs. They laughed harder. "You two get busy last night? I mean we wouldn't of heard from all the thunder." Scout teased. Pyro and you both blushed more. "What?! No of course not, we were just, I was, JUST LEAVE!" Pyro yelled.

Their laughs echoed down the hall as you removed the blanket. He sighed and looked at you, rubbing his head. He chuckled and so did you. You two were nervous but continued to chuckle. The chuckles turned to laughs and you embraced him. He kissed your cheek. You smiled and kissed him. "You should get dressed Pyro." He nodded. "Maybe later. I wanna hang out in here with you." You rolled your eyes but kissed him again. 

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