Big Lap Dog - Werewolf!Heavy x Reader

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You were enjoying a nice stroll around the park. It was a beautiful night after all. You did have a pocket knife in your back pocket just in case. You came prepared.

The moon shone through the small clouds in the sky. It's pale light gleamed brighter than most streetlamps. The moon itself wasn't giving off light, as it was the sun's light reflecting. You always enjoyed science in school.

Science did not explain what you were seeing though.

It started with a low growl that caught your attention. You stopped walking and turned in different directions to place where the sound was coming from.

A small patch of woods was the source. On the tree line there were two gleaming yellow eyes. What on Earth was that? Maybe a racoon in a tree judging by the height of the eyes. You slowly backed away from the glowing eyes but the same growl was heard. You stopped dead.

Slowly it emerged from the treeline. You were wrong. This thing was not a racoon. This thing was as big as a bear, covered in dirty brown fur, and was snarling at you. Your heart sank as your eyes widen. The thing started stepping closer. It was doglike in the face but yet seemed human. Torn clothing was on the beast in random areas. For instance it was wearing jeans but the bottoms were torn. It had remains of a red shirt strung along it's chest.

It stood up on two legs and you fell to the floor. It was so big! It stood over six feet tall and was built with many muscles. It growled again at you. The beast looked down at you, then dropped back down to all fours and stood over you. You wanted to gag at it's foul breath.

It began to smell your face and emit soft growls or groan like sounds. The beast then nipped at your chin, so soft it could have been a normal sized dog. You whimpered under it, too scared to scream. The beast repeated the action and got the same reaction. "If y-you are going to k-k-kill me then just d-d-do it." You did not want to be tortured to death. The beast did not move. Rather it tilted it's head.

You looked back at it. You looked at its eyes. You did not see the eyes of a beast, they were soft and kind eyes. It was strange, you had though this thing was a vicious beast but it was doing none of the sorts to prove that. It smelt you again, it's cold nose bumping against your skin. You flinched each time.

The beast walked behind your head. It put its nose underneath your head and lifted it. Then it bit the back of your shirt collar, dragging you away towards the trees. You screeched and tried to escape the beast's grasp. "Hey! Let me go!"

It did none of the sorts. You could feel your back getting grass stained and muddy. It drug you to a tree which had clothing pieces around the bottom. "Oh no... It's going to eat me isn't it?" You asked aloud. "Man I liked this shirt... Now it's all dirty!" You called up to the beasts. It had dropped you down next the the tree and on the clothing.

It was sitting a few feet away, looking at you. You sat up and pulled your knees to your chest. You frowned at the thing. "I want to go home. I want to now." It remained motionless. "Goodbye, I am going home." You started standing up but it stood up and growled at you. You ceased your actions and sat up against the tree.

It got up and walked over, on all fours. It nuzzled its face against yours in a loving matter? It softly nibbled at your chin again. The beast curled up on your lab, pretty much crushing your legs. You groaned slightly but felt the beast sigh. It was actually nice. You felt safe in its presence.

The beast shut its eyes. You slowly lifted your arm and placed it on the beast's head, which was over your thigh. You rubbed its head and scratched behind its ears. The beast's ear perked up so you switched to the other ear, which had the same reaction. That was kind of amusing you for a while, switching ears to watch both perk up but then the other trying to perk higher. Eventually the beast groaned and shifted its position on you. Its head was now on your lap.

You couldn't help but smiled at the beast. It was cute, like a big lap dog. You felt yourself grow tired from the late time and you shut your eyes. Soon drifting off in sleep.

You woke up and heard someone calling a name. It sounded like 'Heavy' but either way you opened your eyes. The beast was gone and in place of it... a man? He was very big and muscular. His hands were enormous compared to yours.

You looked at the man and blinked. He was very good looking in the face, his head was rested in your lap anyway. Your legs were not numb at all which was strange, considering how much weight was on you last night. But that still made no sense.

Where was the beast?

You grew to like it as it was, as stated earlier, like a big lap dog. You heard the name called again only to see a man with a lab coat appear out of nowhere, flanked by a man in a helmet, and an eyepatch both holding shotguns.

The man in the lab coat was looking at the man on you. Then he looked at you. "Oh mein gosh! Are jou alright?" You nodded. "He never hurt you did he?" You shook your head. "I don't know who he is... I fell asleep with a-" Telling this man you fell asleep with a beast on you would make you sound crazy. Then again you probably were.

The man chuckled. "A what?" You shook your head. "I can't remember." He chuckled again. "Zhat would be a verevolf Frau. Zhe man on jou, he is a verevolf." You glared at him. "What...? No that can't be possible." The man shrugged. "Jou vere going to say a big dog or beast veren't jou? Zhat beast is him. Zhat is Heavy, our vervolf friend." He pointed at the man on you.

Maybe this man was right. Heavy groaned and began to wake up. He slowly stood up and looked at the other men. "Did Heavy do anything wrong?" They pointed at you. He looked over and made eye contact with you.

His eyes. You recognized them as the ones from the beast. Maybe this man really was a werewolf. "Heavy is sorry for scaring you last night... I thought it was a dream." You looked at him. "Dream?" He nodded. "Heavy saw beautiful woman last night. I went to go talk with her... Heavy could not resist her. We are here now." He said. "B-beautiful?" Your cheeks flushed.

"Da beautiful. You look angelic, I would love to meet you properly sometime." He got up and extended a hand. You took it and he helped you stand. Your legs felt like jelly as you fell right onto him. Luckily he did not bat an eye as he helped you stand. You held Heavy's arm as everyone began to walk out of the woods. "I'm Y/n by the way."

"Name suits you. Elegant name for elegant woman." He stated. You blushed once more and swore you saw him smirk. Once everyone reached the tree line is when he wished you goodbye. He smiled and you saw two very sharp canine teeth. You smiled back. "Oh wait!" You said.

"I can give you my number. Last night... it was fun. Scary at one point but fun." The man in the lab coat handed you a pen. "Write it on Heavy's hand. No one has paper." You nodded and did as told. You smiled up at Heavy, and waved goodbye.

This was not the last you would see of the werewolf Heavy.

But you were excited about that. 

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