Comfort - Sniper x Curvy!Reader

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Requested by - abibomb14

I had an idea for this one. So in it, Scout is actually a Female Scout. Just hear me out, it makes sense if you read the chapter. Hope you enjoy! :D


There were two women on your team. You and Scout. Scout was shorter, thin, and very athletic. She could grab the intel quicker than anyone. She was the perfect teammate. She was perfect.

At least in your mind she was. You thought you looked terrible next to her. Her athletic and muscular form made your smaller curvy form look pathetic. At least that is what you thought. Your insecurities stuck to yourself as you told no one.

Today was the last battle until ceasefire day. It was another intel stealing battle and you were so close to it this time. The intel was in the room a few steps away. You were so close. As soon as you ran into the room and there it sat on top of the table.

You rushed over and placed a hand on it. You sighed and smiled. Finally, you could bring home a victory. You could prove yourself. You could finally beat that no good son of a bitch Sc-

"Scout?" You asked. She had ran in and was staring at you. "Oh hey Y/n! You grab dat for me?" You rose a brow. "Well no I'm bringing it back today... I'm the one who got it." She laughed. "Your funny chubs." You sighed. She always called you 'chubs' even when you told her to knock it off.

You started walking to the door, intel in hand. She blocked the doorway with her body. "Yo, I want dat chubs. You ain't gettin' the glory today." She rose a brow. "Or any day." She placed a hand on the intel. "Scout what are you doing? Knock it off." She was trying to pry it out of your hands.

You pushed Scout back and started to charge out of the room. You kept running until you could feel her catching up. Scout may have been fast but you were good at dodging. You managed to get out of the building with her still trailing you.

Many mercenaries of your team cheered once they saw you. That made you grin and you could hear Scout growl behind you. You were only a few feet from the base. "Y/n..." You heard Scout sneer.

Your feet flung out from under you. Scout had tripped you. You stumbled and rolled a few feet. The intel was dropped and Scout had picked it up. You groaned and could feel the bruises begin to form. Scout ran to your base and cheered hearing the Administrator announce that you won.

The men began to walk over. "Hey guys! Let's go celebrate!" She watched as none of them moved towards her and instead walked over to you. "Guys?" Scout asked. Heavy looked at Scout. "Leetle gurl is hurt." He said.

Medic hurried over to you. "Here let me heal jou-" You stood up. "I'm fine." You mumbled. Sniper rose a brow. "Sheila yah have a lot of bru-" You began to limp off. "I'm fine." You stated, more stern.

You walked into the base, elbowing Scout on the way. You went in your room and flung onto your bed. A knock came from the door. "I said I was fine." You stated in your pillow. The door opened anyway. You looked over and saw Sniper standing there. He shut the door and you moved over a bit for him to sit down on your bed.

He took a seat next to you and placed a hand on your back. "Yah alroight sheila?" You shook your head. "Sniper..." You began. "Do you think Scout is better than me?" He rubbed your back. "Nah sheila. Tha' ankle bitah can't compare to you." You sniffled in your pillow. "B-but she's so good at everything." Your body began to shake from emotion. "She's so good looking too... I'm none of those things. I look like I'm twice her weight." He frowned and scooted closer to you.

"Listen sheila, yah don't need to compare yourself to her. Yah both have your strengths and yah both have your weaknesses. Your looks don't mattah in this. Yah are perfect the way you are." You looked at him, tears staining your pillow.

"Yah don't need a 'perfect' body or a 'perfect' face. Your uniqueness is what makes yah perfect on your own. Everyone has flaws sheila. Yours are just what make yah bettah than others." You sniffled some more and stood up to face him. "Do you r-really mean all of that?" He nodded.

"Oi loike yah more than Scout. Oi value yah more than anyone on this team." Your cheeks began to tint pink. "Oi want yah to know somethin' sheila." You watched him take off his glasses. He stood up and held out his hand. You took it and he pulled you up.

Sniper set his hands on your hips and pulled you close. "Even though yah don't love yourself the way yah should... Oi love yah. Oi love yah more than anythin' sheila." He smiled down at you. "Oi want yah to be mine." He kissed your cheek.

You put your hands on his shoulders and he kissed you again. Sniper led you over to your bed and he sat down. He pulled you onto his lap were he started to kiss your neck. Sniper bit down softly on your neck. His hands rubbed up and down your torso.

His hands began to massage your hips and he could feel himself growing to want you even more. You placed your hands on his cheeks and made him look at you. You kissed him. Sniper fell back and you kneeled over him, still kissing.

Snipers hands slid to your rear. You slid your hands to his hair and laced your fingers into it. His tongue licked at your bottom lip for entry. You complied and your tongue fought for dominance over his. His managed to win and he squeezed your rear hard. You moaned out slightly and he smirked on your lips.

A knock came on the door, ruining everything. Sniper groaned and you got off of him. He strode over to the door and opened it a crack. "Yeah?" Scout was standing there. "Medic made me come here tuh say sorry... Is Y/n there?" Sniper rose a brow. "Sheila's alseep." Scout sighed. "Wull, tell her I said I was sorry, alright?" Sniper nodded.

Sniper shut the door and he heard Scout walk off. He slowly turned to face you. He removed his glove and his watch. Sniper threw off his vest and removed his team colored shirt. The white undershirt he wore was soon disposed of as well. "Now sheila..." He began to remove his belt.

"Let's have some real fun."

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