We Will Never Leave You II - Mercs x Child!Reader

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A requested continuation from - Diana-the-Medic

The first part was requested by - SarahIce712

I hope you both enjoy even though it was two separate requests! I had never had a request to continue a story but here we all are! Enjoy!


After a stressful night of running away, being attacked by a maniac named Chad, and having a heartwarming talk with your mercenaries, everyone was relaxing around the living room.

Except you and Scout of course.

You two were on the floor wrestling. You thought you were winning, until he had you in a headlock, and he was currently giving you a nuggie. "Scout! Stop this isn't fair!" You said, laughing a bit. He smiled his buck tooth grin. "No way kiddo! I'm winnin' dis." You slid your leg around him and kicked the back of his knee. Scout fell to the floor but you came with him.

You landed on your back on his chest. He grunted and you got off of him quickly. You laid over his abdomen and hit the floor three times with your fist. "One, two, three! I win!" Scout laughed. "Whatevah yah say toots." He pushed you off of him and picked you up. Then he threw you onto the couch. You landed next to Heavy, who was talking with Medic.

Medic got up and began to scold Scout for throwing you. "Jou can not zhrow her anymore! Jou never could in zhe first place!" Scout laughed. "Chill doc, she's fine ain't she? Look! She's punchin' Heavy right now!" Scout gestured to you and Medic looked over. You were not punching Heavy, rather you were talking to him about beating Scout. When Medic looked back Scout was already gone. Scout didn't feel like getting in another argument on how to properly set you down on a couch.

You sometimes thought they treated you like a baby, even though you were almost ten. Heavy was talking to you still about beating Scout when you yawned. "Getting tired leetle Y/n?" He asked. You shook your head. "Nope, I'm fine." Heavy rose his brow. Spy and Sniper had already gone to bed, Pyro was getting ready for it, and Engineer was passed out in a chair nearby. Soldier was currently punching a punching bag with "commie" written on it. Typical Soldier thing.

Your eyelids saged a bit and you laid against Heavy's arm. "You are tired Y/n. Heavy vill bring you to bed." You shook your head again. "No I'm fine." Medic came back and sat down next to you. "Hi Medic." You said. "Hallo Frau, jou look tired. Vhy don't jou go rest?" You stood up and off the couch. "Because I'm not tired." Heavy looked at Medic. "Leetle gurl refuses to go to bed." Medic nodded. "Ahh, Ich see."

His face suddenly filled with mischief as he looked towards the kitchen. "Oh Demo? Scout? Ve have a Code: Kind wird nicht schlafen." You looked at him, puzzled. Demoman walked out of the kitchen with Scout. "We do now? Don't worry doc, we got dis." Scout said.

Demoman lunged at you and tackled you to the floor. Scout followed with a blanket. You struggled underneath them. You had forgotten about Code: Kind wird nicht schlafen. Truth was you didn't know what it meant in German but you knew it happened when you refused to sleep. Now you were tangled up in a blanket by Scout and both men looked down at you with triumph on their faces.

You tried to escape the blanket but Medic walked over and picked you up. You felt like a burrito as the other three men called to you. "Good night leetle Y/n." You heard Heavy say. "See yah tomorrah toots!" Scout called. Followed by Demoman. "Night Y/n!" You struggled in your blanket prison.

"Medic I can walk myself." You said. He smiled. "I know but jou vould never schlafen if jou valked jourself." You rose a brow. "What does schlafen mean?" He looked down at you. "Sleep, it is wone of our codes. Code: Kind wir nicht schalfen means child von't sleep." You rolled your eyes. "Now ve have a Code: Kind ist launisch." Your brow rose.

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