Thirsty - Sniper x Reader

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"Oi gotta straight flush." Sniper laid out his two poker cards. Demoman groaned and threw his cards down. Spy had folded earlier in the round so he just rolled his eyes. You also had folded and watched Sniper take all of the chips in the center.

Demoman grabbed his wrist. "Last round, all or nothin'?" Sniper stopped and pushed the chips back to the center, along with all of his others. Demoman and Spy also did. You followed after they finished. Demoman looked at you. "Think ya will win?"

You shrugged. "I barely know how to play, so probably not." He smiled and took a swig of his scrumpy. The cards were dealt. The first cards were laid down. You looked at your hand. You didn't think it was a bad hand. At least you didn't think it was. Spy was looking around at everyone. "Losers buy zhe winner a drink?" Sniper, Demoman, and you all nodded.

Spy then smirked. He laid his cards out. "When do I expect it?" He asked slyly. He had a straight. Sniper grumbled something and set his cards down in defeat. "Oi hold on a minute!" Demoman said. He put down his cards. Also a straight.

Spy rose his brows. "Well... zhat was unexpected." Demoman frowned. "Oi'm pretty damn sure mine is higher." Spy almost laughed. "Non 'ou idiot. I 'ave a 'igher 'and." Sniper was looking at you. He rose a brow. You looked at your cards, then back at him, and shrugged. Spy and Demoman had now sat up, Demoman was threatening to hit Spy with a bottle, Spy was spouting insults.

"Oy! Ya bloody wonka's, the sheila ain't laid down her cards yet." The men ceased their attack and sat back down. Your cheeks tinted pink from all of their eyes on you. Sniper must have seen because he chuckled quietly.

"I uh... I don't know what I have." You laid out your hand and Sniper barked out a laugh. "Well sheila, that's called a royal flush." Demoman smiled. "And yer our winner." Spy folded his arms. "Oui, très bien mademoiselle."

"Now about that drink?" You stated. Demoman smiled. "Well yeh can have some of me scrumpy if yeh want." Spy scoffed. "Imbecile, Y/n 'ou can 'ave some of my wine. It is filled with grapes from zhe Mediterranean." Demoman rose a brow. "And why would anyone want tha'?" Spy glared towards the Scot. "It 'as exquisite taste unlike your petty drink."

They began to bicker back and forth. Sniper walked over to you. "Come on. Oi will get yeh some of my whiskey." You rose a brow. "No Oi'm not given yah Jaratte." He chuckled and you smiled. "I just had to make sure."

You two began to walk out together. You got an idea. "Uh, Sniper?" He looked at you. "I think I changed my mind." He stopped walking and turned towards you, crossing his arms. "Whaddya mean?"

You stepped towards him. He backed up. You took another step and so did he. "I think..." You placed a hand on his chest. Sniper's brow rose. "I think I'd like a tall, strong," You pushed him against the wall. "Full bodied, glass of something." You put your hands on his shoulders. His face began to tint pink. "A glass o' what Y-Y/n?" He turned more pink at the stutter.

"How 'bout a glass of Aussie?" You slowly pressed your lips to his. He was taken back slightly but he wrapped his hands around your waist. Slowly Sniper began to melt into it. He pulled you closer to him and dipped you down slightly. You let him dip you keeping good balance. You wrapped one leg around his kind of like a salsa pose. One of Sniper's hands placed itself on you thigh while the other moved to your lower back.

You arms wrapped around his neck as you continued to kiss him. Sniper's glasses fell to the floor but his hat remained on his head. Sniper's eyes opened and so did yours at the small noise of the glasses hitting the floor. You made eye contact and he wiggled his eyebrows. You laughed and removed yourself from the kiss. Still holding on to him, he stood up and smirked.

"I liked the drink." You said. He chuckled. "Wanna have another?" You two began to lean in until a throat cleared. Both of your faces turned in the direction. Spy was standing there with his arms crossed. Next to him stood Demoman, his face was red from silent laughter.

Once he noticed you both had seen them, he broke out into loud laughter. "Gettin' handsy aren't we Sniper lad?" Sniper frowned at the two. "We came out to see what kind of drink the mademoiselle would want... clearly 'ou 'ad it covered."

Sniper grunted and you two separated from each other. You began to twiddle your thumbs while Sniper picked up his glasses. "Don't yeh have places to be?" Sniper said to the two. Demoman smiled. "Yeah gettin' the lass a drink, why do yeh want to be alone with her some more?" Demoman rose a brow.

Sniper flipped Demoman off. You walked over to both of them. Standing in between and hitting both upside the head. Demoman winced but Spy had caught your hand with his. You used your other to hit him. Spy also caught that one. You kicked him in the balls and swiftly ran to Sniper. "Y/N!!" You grabbed Sniper's arm and laugh. "RUN!" Both of you began to run out of the room as fast as you could to Sniper's van.

Once you got to the door of it both of you entered and flopped down on his couch. He looked at you and smiled. You returned it and took his hand. His other one found it's way to your cheek. "So Y/n?" You rose a brow.


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