Protective Healers - Mercy x Reader x Medic

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Dedicated to The_Dead_Ender

I wanted to thank you for being such a supportive reader!! You said you wanted either a Sombra x reader x Spy or this one so I just doubled it up!! Enjoy my lovely readers!

Ps. I hope you feel better from your sickness ^^


Quickly you raced into your room, slamming the door shut. A few weeks ago you had a small cough but you ignored it. Now you had a full on cold but you refused to take any medicine. To make things worse you had two doctors trying to nag you into taking it.

You sighed against the door and sat down in front of it. Your back was pressed up against it and you pulled your knees to your chest. Then the knocking started. "Y/n! Come out zhis instant! Jou need to take jour medicine!" Mercy's voice rang out. The glow of her wings was noticeable from under the door. "I am not taking that stuff again! It's disgusting!"

You heard her groan from the other side. "Jou never took it in zhe first place! Jou have no right to complain about zhe taste!" You scoffed. "I don't need to tell that it's going to taste like shit!" Mercy gasped slightly. "Language Y/n!"

Hurried footsteps approached from the other side and you assumed it was Medic. "Ahh jou have found Y/n?" Mercy groaned. "Yes I have and she is being a little shi-" You laughed. "Language Mercy!" You teased.

Medic began to whisper to Mercy. You couldn't understand what they were saying but you locked your door and flopped onto your bed. It went dead silent outside and you sighed. They finally left you alone.

Then a flash of your teams colored light made you jump. The teleporter you had in the corner of your room went off. You had that teleporter so that way you could go in the kitchen to snatch food without walking all the way there. Medic was in your room now and he ran to the door to unlock it. "Mercy qvick!" While he was distracted you ran and teleported to the kitchen.

You laughed to yourself but then felt two arms around your torso. "It worked I have her Medic!" You were outsmarted by the two and Mercy began to walk you to the Medbay. You struggled in her grasp but she had a firm grip. "Jou are like a toddler Y/n." She chuckled.

You smirked. "You got that right." Then you bit her hand. Mercy yelped and let go of you. You began to run but she lunged at you and managed to grab your ankle. She began to glide away with you being dragged behind. You tried to struggle but then gave up as she had a tighter grip on you this time.

"Jou know zhis will help you. I don't know why jou won't take it." You coughed into your arm. She looked back at you. "Don't jou get sick of coughing all zhe time? I can tell jou have a fever as well." You rolled your eyes at Mercy. She looked back ahead of her.

She stopped at the Medbay doors. "I wouldn't try biting him if I was jou. After all he is zhe one giving jou zhe medicine." She teased. You frowned and stood up. "Don't zhink of trying to run eizher. I'm having bozh Heavy and Jack, I mean Soldier 76, guard zhe door." You groaned and she opened the door to the Medbay. You walked in very frustrated and heard the door close behind you.

You stood at the door for a few minutes. Medic was in the middle of the room, his back was towards you, and he was writing something down. He was not wearing his coat or his gloves. "Onto zhe table Frau." He said, still turned away from you. You stood in the same spot with your arms crossed, you stifled your coughing.

He turned to you and furrowed his brows, but he was grinning. "Don't make me come over zhere. On zhe table." He pointed at it then returned to writing. You sighed then walked over to the table. You placed your hands on the cold surface then jumped up. You seated yourself on it. Medic walked over to you and adjusted his glasses. Even though you were on the table you still had to look up to make eye contact.

"Hallo Y/n." He grinned at you. You frowned at him. "Aah don't be like zhat. Vhere is jour beautiful smile?" You blushed and covered your mouth with your hand to hide your grin. Medic chuckled then grabbed a bottle from his pocket and a spoon. You looked towards the door. "Hi Mercy." Medic turned towards the door.

Swiftly, you grabbed the bottle and threw it across the room. Now Medic would have to get it and you could make a dash out the door. Heavy isn't fast so he wouldn't be able to catch you but Soldier 76 might be. Well it was a chance you were willing to take. Medic looked back at you and rose a brow. "Ja Ich knew jou vould do zhat. Zhat is vhy zhat was not zhe real medicine." He pulled another bottle out of his pocket. "Zhis is."

You frowned again, then coughed into your arm, and crossed your arms once more. Medic poured the medicine on the spoon until the spoon was full. It was a dark green color and it smelt awful. He looked at you. His thundery blue eyes melting yours. "Are jou going to take zhis for me?" You shook your head.

"Are jou going to talk to me?" You shook your head again. "Vell, I'm still talking to jou." He smiled. "I heard jou liked somevone on zhe team." You held your breath. "Ich have seen zhe vay jou look at Scout, is it him?" He teased and you rolled your eyes.

"I'm sure jou two vould make a splendid couple." You scoffed. Right as your mouth opened Medic put the spoon in. You swallowed the rotten tasting liquid and glared at Medic. "Now vas zhat so hard?"

"I don't like Scout." You said. "Really? I have heard ozhervise." You wiped your mouth with your arm. "Well you heard wrong. I like someone else." He rose a brow and placed his hands on either side of your hips. "Hmm is zhat so?"

You fumbled for words as he got closer to you. "Who is it zhen Schatz? I vould love to know." His voice was buttery as his face was now inches from yours. Your cheeks began to burn red and Medic chuckled. It was more a low rumble in his chest. His eyes met yours again.

Medic's smirk was one any man or woman would melt at. Your cheeks got redder somehow and he placed a hand on your cheek. He slid it to your chin and his thumb traced your lower lip. "Jou have very soft lips Schatz." Medic pulled your face closer to his. "Vant to feel mine?" He teased.

Medic closed his eyes and slowly pressed his lips to yours. It was tender and passionate, just as you always hoped it was. His cheeks had pink dusting them and you also closed your eyes. Your hands made their way onto his shoulders. Medic's other hand placed itself on your waist and pulled you closer to him.

He tilted his head to deepen the kiss and you stood up off the table. He slid his arms around your waist and his hands placed themselves on your lower back. You felt his hands slide downwards and you chuckled. You placed your hands on his chest and looked at him. "Getting handsy are we?" He rolled his eyes. "Aren't you going to get sick now?"

He shrugged. "If I do zhen I vill take medicine." You rolled your eyes. "It vould have been vorth it zhough." He smiled and pecked your cheek. "Vell I zhink ve figured out who jou have feelings for." You tapped your chin then shrugged. "Huh must be Scout."

He laughed. "Scout doesn't stand a chance vis jou." You smirked. "And you do?" He laughed. "I am zhe most important person on zhe battlefield. Vhy vouldn't I-" You kissed him again shutting him up. You smiled up at him then Mercy walked in.

"Ah I see it went all to plan?" Medic nodded. "Ja, I got her to take zhe medicine, und she admitted her feelings." You laughed. "First off I didn't admit to anything, secondly you two planned this? Last thing, Mercy you weren't supposed to tell Medic I liked him." Mercy laughed. "I didn't tell him anyzhing." Medic nodded. "But ja ve planned almost everyzhing. Zhe medicine vas planned, zhe teleporter vas planned, und Ich got a kiss."

Mercy smiled. "I am happy for jou two. Zhe ozhers have wanted jou to get togezher for a long time now. We did not want to interfere zhough. I'm glad it turned out." You rolled your eyes and walked over to Mercy. You wrapped your arm around her neck. "Thanks for being my support." She laughed but rolled her eyes. "Have jou been hanging out wis Lena?"

"Hmm Tracer? No why?" You just understood the accidental pun. (The author also just understood it too-) You chuckled. "Sorry I didn't mean to." Medic walked over and shook Mercy's hand. "Danke Mercy. Today vouldn't have happened visout jou." Mercy smiled. "Well I must go. Lena and Scout tried to race again... we all know how zhat went last time."

Mercy waved to you and Medic. She left threw the door and you turned to Medic. "You're such a nerd." Medic folded his arms. "Really?" You chuckled but hugged him. "Yeah you are." He hugged you tightly. "But I love you for it." He sighed and smiled into your hair.

"Ich liebe dich auch." 

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