Inside Information - Sombra x Reader x Spy

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Requested by - The_Dead_Ender

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"Hola señor Spy." Sombra hummed. She walked into the smoking room and took a seat next to Spy. "Bonjour Mademoiselle Sombra." He said, not looking away from the fire. Spy disposed of his cigarette. "I have a favor to ask of joo." She said.

Spy rose a brow and looked towards Sombra, her mouth was hinting at a smirk. "Oui?" She fiddled with her nails. "I wanna know everyding 'bout joor teammates. I know a lot already but I want details." Spy scoffed. "Zhe secrets of my team are for me to know and zhem to hide." Sombra laughed. "Oh but Spy joo can't hide anyding from me."

She scooted closer to him. "I know a lot 'bout joo señor Spy." Spy rolled his eyes but she cut him off before he could speak. "I know joo have a mijo, he's dat skinny one out dere, ain't he?" Spy stopped breathing for a few seconds. "I do not 'ave a son, 'ou are not as good as 'ou zhought." She smirked.

"I know joo have a ding for dat girl out dere as well. What was her name? Y/n right?" Spy's right eye twitched. "Whaddya say Frenchie? Wanna fill me in? Or am I gonna have some secrets to tell?" Spy rolled his eyes. "Do 'our worst, Y/n knows I like 'er, et I never 'ad a son." Sombra laughed again. "Oh che does now does che? Why don't I just ask her den?"

With that Sombra disappeared, leaving Spy a nervous wreck. He lied about a lot of things in that room. He did have a son, which was Scout, and he did like you. You didn't know that he liked you though and Sombra was about to tell you. "Merde." Spy mumbled. He got up and cloaked.

He jogged swiftly from his smoking room to the living room, he saw you there but not Sombra. He began to think of a plan. He couldn't kill Sombra as their respawn doesn't work here and he couldn't tackle her as that would start a commotion. He didn't have time to continue thinking as Sombra appeared behind you.

"Hola Y/n." She purred. You jumped and turned to her. "Oh Sombra you scarred me! What have you been up to?" You asked. She shrugged. "Oh joo know, gossiping. Speaking of gossip, joo got any for me?" You tapped your chin.

"I don't know any secrets, so you are out of luck here." You said. She placed her hands on her hips. "Oh really? I dink joo do know secrets. At least joo know joors and I know dem too." Your face hinted at a blush. "What are you talking about? How do you know?" She laughed.

"Y/n I have my ways. I know almost everyding 'bout joor teammates." You rose your brow. "Really? Even Spy?" She chuckled. "What is dat supposed to mean?" You blushed. "N-nothing, I mean he's a Spy, so I figured he's good at hiding things." She smiled. "He is good, but not good enough. I know 'bout his past life, his love life, even his current one."

You almost gasped. "He has a lover?" She shook her head. "No but he has his eyes on uno. I even found some pictures he has took over da years." You put your hands in your pockets and shuffled in your spot. You felt a chill up your spine and recognized it instantly.

"Hi Spy." He uncloaked behind you. "Bonjour mon amour." Sombra, unlike you, knew French, and she laughed. "Oh wow señor! Even giving her nicknames? Does she even know what dat means?" Spy glared at Sombra. "Don't 'ou 'ave people to be bugging?"

You looked at Spy. "Spy, what does 'mon amour' mean? You have called me it a lot but you never told me what it meant." Sombra laughed again. "Spy joo liar, she doesn't know." You rose a brow at Sombra. It wasn't that big of a deal that you didn't know a simple French phrase. "What are you two talking about?"

Sombra shrugged. "Oh I dunno, what are we talking about Spy?" He frowned. "Nozhing important... Y/n could 'ou be a dear and get me my knife? I seemed to have left it in my smoking room." You nodded. "Yeah if you want me to." Sombra smirked.

"But Spy isn't dat joor knife right dere?" Sombra pointed at Spy's coat. There was a small point sticking out of it. Spy growled quietly and took out his knife. "Oui I guess it is. Merci Sombra..." Spy said through clenched teeth.

"So Y/n, I got a question for joo." Sombra said, ignoring Spy. "Have joo ever been interested in Spy?" Spy stiffened and you folded your arms. "I, uhm..." You mumbled something. Spy looked at you. "What was zhat?" Your eyes met his and your cheeks burned red. "I have liked Spy for a wh-while." You said a little louder.

Spy's face lit up in blush under the mask. " 'ou 'ave?" You buried your face in your hands. Sombra chuckled. "I dink my job here is done. Might as well go find Scout now, he will want to hear da news." Sombra began to walk off.

"Go ahead, 'e won't believe 'ou." Sombra continued walking away. Spy stood in front of you. "Mon amour? May I talk wis 'ou?" You looked up from your hands and bit your lip. "Y-yes?" Spy smiled down at you. "I 'ave feelings for 'ou too." You widen your eyes. "R-really?"

He nodded and took your hand, kissing it lightly. He then smiled at you sweetly. You blushed again but quickly pecked his lips. "I'm sorry I couldn't resist." He chuckled. "Non need to be shy mon amour."

You smiled up at him. "What was Sombra saying about Scout?" Spy chuckled. "Nozhing important, just some stupid secrets zhat she zhinks are true." You rose a brow. "Were they?" Spy smiled. "My love for 'ou was to hard to hide, it really wasn't a secret, so oui one of zhem was." You smiled. "What about the other ones?"

"Zhose are in zhe past, zhis is zhe present, et 'ou..." He hugged you. " 'ou are my future."

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