Caught In Their Web - Widowmaker x Reader x Sniper

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Requested by - Diana-the-Medic

I'm so happy people like my Overwatch crossovers! This is the first one that the Overwatch character can be your romantic partner! Enjoy and have a wonderful day!


You were shooting with Sniper and Widowmaker. You had nailed a dummy in the head when Sniper, hesitantly, patted your shoulder. "Noice job sheila, tha' was really, uhm, good. Good shot." You smiled at Sniper and thanked him. "I think I'm going to hit the sack, good night Sniper, good night Widow." You waved to both of them.

Widow and Sniper both waved back as you walked off. Once you were out of sight Widowmaker looked at Sniper. "You will never win Y/n's 'eart when you are zo awkward." Sniper glared at Widowmaker. "Oi ain't awkward Amélie. Shut yer trap."

"Oui, you are. If I 'ad feelings I would 'ave cringed." Sniper rolled his eyes but Widow continued. "'ave you ever dated anyone Sniper? As I recall zhat boy Scout has been in more relationships zhan you. Maybe you should ask monsieur Zpy for advice."

"And why would Oi do that? He's a worthless snail." Sniper asked, his tone shifting to annoyance. "Because, maybe you could finally learn how to be charming for once in your patzhetic life. Zhe 'handsome rugged rouge' you claim to be, is nowhere to be found Sniper."

"I bet I could get wis Y/n." Widowmaker said. Sniper smirked and turned his back to Widow. "Oi bet Oi could do it before yah. Oi didn't know yah loiked Y/n in the first place..." Widowmaker smiled and fiddled with her gun. "Most people don't know anyzhing about me."

"It's a bet then. Winner is whoever Y/n chooses." Sniper said. He turned around, hand out for a hand shake, but Widow was already gone. He groaned, "Oi don't know anythin' about datin'." Sniper began to mutter curse words under his breath as he walked back to the base.

Meanwhile, Widowmaker had found you. You were standing in a line for the shower room, since Overwatch was not used to showering together. Currently the men of their group was in the showers, then the mercenaries would go, and the ladies of Overwatch last.

Widow knew it would take Sniper a while to find you so she decided to go grab her own supplies for a shower. Once finished, she joined the line of women at the end. You noticed her from your position by the mercenaries and smiled. You gave her a wave and she returned it with a nod.

You made your way over to her. "Hey Widow." She blinked at you. "Y/n, good shooting today. Better zhan zhat Australian fool." You chuckled. "Well, I don't know about that. He is pretty good at shooting." She rose a brow. "As good at me?"

You nodded. "I think you both have your strengths and weaknesses." Widowmaker seemed to be lost in her own world. Her gaze was off and she had not blinked for a while. You tilted your head and tapped her shoulder. No reaction. "Widow?" No reaction. You were about to turn and ask Phara if something was wrong with her when she spoke.

"Do you like 'im more zhan me?"


You were taken back slightly. "I think you are a wonderful friend Amélie. I guess I never told you, did I?" Your cheeks dusted a pink. "I have had a thing for Sniper for a while now." Widowmaker continued to stay in the depths of her mind. She eventually let out a quick breath of air and almost smiled.

"Good luck wis 'im Y/n. 'e managed to do the one zhing I zaid 'e couldn't." You rose a brow, clearly not understanding what she just said. Widow looked into your eyes. You stared back at hers, something was hidden behind them. She looked at you in a way you had stared at Sniper.

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