Two Men, One Prize - Soldier x Reader x Engineer

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Requested by - SummerSucker53

I hope you enjoy, you even get to pick your ending! Also I drew the picture! I hope you enjoy that as well!!!


Engineer got along with everyone on the team. Out of all the mercenaries he was the peacemaker. He had quite a large heart that belonged to you, but you did not know. He wanted to keep it that way until he learned another man had feelings for you as well.

Soldier normally kept his feelings to himself. He had let it slip to Engineer by mistake. He, at first, thought it was not a problem. That was until he found out about Engineer's feelings for you. Of course neither have spoken kindly to each other since.

You currently were making breakfast for everyone because you were the chef. You were not a mercenary, you were their personal cook because Engineer started to complain about how he was the only one cooking, and how tiring it was for him after work. It was 6:32 in the morning and you were making some scrambled eggs. The honey glazed ham was already done, the hashbrowns as well, and all you needed was to finish the eggs.

You heard someone walk in behind you but you did not turn to greet them, rather you just spoke. "Good morning sir." You heard a yawn. "Good mornin' darlin'." It was Engineer. "Breakfast smells amazin' as always." You smiled.

"Thank you Engineer." He made his way over to you. "Yah should teach the others how tuh cook, maybe then yah can eat with us." You shrugged. "This is my job, I'm supposed to cook for everyone, then leave them be. I'm not allowed to eat until you are all finished."

"That's stupid... Yah should eat with us, just this once?" You sighed and looked over at him. "I don't know Engineer. That's breaking my protocol." He took one of your hands in his. "Please darlin'? Just one meal? For me?" Your cheeks began to tint a pink. You looked back at the eggs and smiled. "Oh alright, just one meal." He beamed.

"I need to tell everyone that it's time to eat, don't let Scout come in here, and eat before everyone alright?" Engineer shook his head. "Ah will do it darlin', Ah'll go get 'em." Engineer walked off and you put the eggs in a bowl. The eggs went on the table, along with everything else, then you walked back to the counter.

You set out plates, forks, knives, and napkins. You forgot glasses so you walked back to the counter once more. You started to take glasses out of the cupboard. Once you had taken out nine you took three to the table. Then another three but you stopped before the last ones. You did tell Engineer you would eat with them, so you grabbed another glass.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around your abdomen and a warm body was pressed up against yours. You froze and almost dropped the glass in your hand. "Here, set that done, before you drop it cupcake." Soldier removed one of his arms, took the glass, and set it on the counter.

"S-Soldier? What are you d-doing sir?" You stuttered. He nuzzled his face into your shoulder. "Nothing important." His breath sent goosebumps down your spine. "Are you going to eat with us today?" He asked.

"Y-Yeah I am." He smiled into your back. "Great, I have always wanted you too." You turned your head to look at him. "Really?" He nodded. "Yeah, I really enjoy your company cupcake. I feel bad that you don't eat with us." Your face turned to a darker pink. "You enjoy my company?" He nodded again. "I do and I want to get to know you more." Soldier turned you around and placed his hands on your waist.

"Y/n I have been meaning to talk with you about something." He began. "Yes sir?" He took your hands in his. "I was wondering if-" He was cut off by Engineer walking in. "Soldier... Ah thought Ah told yah to leave her alone?" Soldier let your hands go and turned towards Engineer.

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