Screwy Love - Robot!Scout x Reader

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It wasn't an it, he was a he.

He didn't hate, rather he feared.

He didn't fight, he ran.

He wasn't just a robot,

He was a robotic man.

He was a robotic man named Scout. His eyes glew in the darkness a pale sapphire blue. His purpose is to fight the opposing team, the humans, but he couldn't do it. Everyday he watched robots go out,

But never come back.

Soon, that would be him. Marching out onto the field with a gun in hand. He had been out before. Only once but yet he feared everything about it. None of his comrades felt the same way for one simple reason.

They couldn't.

He was self aware. He knew everything about this place, except it's original owners. He knew nothing of them... just that they wanted him dead. Along with all the others.

On this day, he was recruited for battle. If he had a voice box, he would have protested. He would have pleaded and screamed at them to keep him inside. He didn't want to die. There is no respawn for robots. But he had no voice. He had nothing.

He was prepared in a group with many others. His line composed of three other Scouts. There was no Administrator to tell them to go. Just a flashing light that gave off a blinding green allowing the robots to leave.

He charged out, gun in hand tighter than ever, and he took shelter behind a crate. He was done fighting. He was done hiding from everyone. He was built to run. So he would run.

He would run and never stop.

So he did. He took his gun and ran. Many people ignored him. Many robots ignored him too. He continued to run, sprinting as fast as his robotic legs could carry him. He only looked back once.

Big mistake.

He ran head first into something, causing him to fall onto his bottom, and his shotgun to slide a few feet away. A groan was let off by the other body. Judging by the weapon the Scout assumed a Demoman.

They got up and held a grenade launcher. It was pointed towards Scout's head. His eyes flickered as he shut the lids. He threw his arms up in surrender. His hat lightly tapped against the gun. Slowly he opened his eyelids and looked up.

It wasn't a Demoman.

He didn't know who it was.

But he didn't want to stop to find out. You glared down at the defenseless Scout. For some reason you just couldn't shoot. Maybe it was the gleam of blue in his eyes. Or the fact he was running from the battle. Maybe it was just because he was Scout.

Not the Scout though, just a robot. He looked up at you, no emotion whatsoever in his face. Yet you could tell. He was begging you not to shoot. You sighed and lowered the gun. He blinked and stood up swiftly.

He just stared at you, completely ignoring his weapon. Blood trickled down your head from the impact of him hitting you. He noticed and lifted his hand. You flinched back and raised your gun back up. He backed up and raised his arms once more.

He pointed to you, then his head. You glared but lowered your gun once more. He approached you hesitantly. Slowly his hand met your cheek. It was warm from the heat of his electricity running through him.

He moved your hair out of your face and looked at the cut along your forehead. He drew his hands back and covered his mouth with them. He looked around and noticed a small blue bottle on the floor. He ran over, grabbed it, then returned to you. He held out the bottle to you.

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