The Deal II - Merasmus x Reader x Medic

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Requested by - BlackPearlAndRose

My goodness this is probably the longest chapter yet! Man don't expect all of them to be this long I don't know how this happened. Anyway, I'm so glad you all like this! Thank you for all your support and have a wonderful day!!


Empty. That is how you felt, empty. Everyday you walked the halls of the large castle with an empty mind. It had been a week since the incident but it had felt like years. You had not spoken a single word in your period of living there. The castle was large, it had many places to hide from your captor, but he always found you in the end. He could always hear your whimpering from behind the large clocks, or see the shaking of your body behind the curtains, he could even see the dullness of your eyes in the darkness of the dungeons.

You took each step slowly, trying to keep your volume quiet. Merasmus was looking for you again but he was always looking for you. You hid from him anytime you could. You were like a small mouse, scavenging for anything you could use to help you continue living, but you always scuttled away from the large beast that wandered the halls. Merasmus was a beast, inside and out. He had taken you from the man who had raised you.

Josef. Merasmus told you that Josef was just a liar, that he was a man who left you to rot. He said that if Josef really cared about you he would not have let you get taken. It was uncanny how interested Merasmus was in you. It was like he took pleasure in hunting you down. Truth was you did not know what would happen if he caught you. Despite the fact that he always found you he never managed to get his hands on you.

"Y/n! Where are you my pet?" You jumped at the sound of his voice. You took off at a sprint while keeping your footsteps light and swift. You quickly ran into the nearest room, shutting the door quietly. When you turned around you realized that you were in a bedroom. It had a large bed with a large door that opened to a balcony.

It was Merasmus's room. Skulls lined the walls and the deep violet curtains swayed from a soft breeze. You knew you had to act fast, there was no time to hesitate. You could tell by the volume of Merasmus's voice that he was nearby. He never walked rather he floated throughout the castle. It was hard at first trying to locate him but you had grown familiar to his scent. He had a strong scent of burnt prunes, which was the farthest thing from appealing.

You looked around the room and decided the wardrobe was the best place to hide. Not in it but behind it. Merasmus had it placed in one of the corners of the room, the one left to the door. His wardrobe was placed so that way it was facing the center, there was enough room behind it to sit. You ran over to it and set your hands on top of the wooden dresser. You lifted yourself on top of it and slid down the otherside. You sat down and brought your knees to your chest.

In between the sides of the wardrobe and the walls you could see the room. The right side allowed you to see the door leading into Merasmus's room and the left allowed you to view the balcony. Many times you had wanted to jump out of windows or balconies but you would be to wounded to run. Merasmus locked all doors to the outside and all the first floor windows. You had thought about breaking a window, but that would be very loud, and alert Merasmus to your location.

You could hear nothing, no angry grumbles, or sparks of magic. Then a strong scent of prunes hit your nose and you stiffened. You looked through the space between the wardrobe and the wall. You could see the door open and Merasmus glided in. He looked around but you could not see him any more. He was covered by the wardrobe, "Come out wherever you are my pet." His sneer was evident. You looked through the other crack. He was peering under the bed, "If you come out now, I will spare you of a harsh punishment, but your tamer one will still be fun." He coughed, "For me at least."

(CLOSED) TF2 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now